“Big Brother Australia” has evicted Lawson’s lover in the house Cat and his former partner Aisha. After Lawson’s eviction on Monday night, two of his closest pals in the house have followed him out.

On Monday, four of the original housemates were declared safe by host Sonia Kruger from eviction. Priya, David, Ryan and Skye did not have to worry for another week. Unfortunately for Lawson, Cat, Aisha, Travis and Leo, the triple eviction was still looming above their heads.

Lawson was the first called out on Monday, with Aisha and Cat following him on Tuesday night.

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The 23-year-old magic man, dubbed a “love rat” because he started an affair with Cat when he still had a girlfriend outside waiting for him, knew that the questions going to be thrown at him would be about Cat and Candice Leeder, his presumably now-ex-girlfriend who doesn’t want to speak to him.

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He revealed that he has reached out to Candice, but has failed. He planned to grovel for her apology, and will wait until she is ready to talk to him. As for Cat, he denied that they have a relationship, or at least not yet. He would wait until Cat left the house and they had time to talk before they take things further.

Cat’s Eviction

It turned out he didn’t have to wait that long. Kate “Cat” Law, the 31-year-old midwife who had been married and divorce once, was evicted shortly after. Lawson was there on stage to greet her, saying he should have let Cat hog the spotlight, but he couldn’t let her face public scrutiny alone.

“I tried to contact her [Candice],” Lawson told Cat, “but she doesn’t want to speak to me, which is understandable and I respect that. I think that she deserves that respect and she just feels perhaps that she doesn’t want to speak, and maybe that’s forever ... Either way I’ll be there for her when she does need to speak to me. Otherwise, I would just have to respect that she doesn’t want to speak to me.”

Their Bali getaway plan is apparently cancelled. On Monday, Lawson and Cat separately revealed their plans to Sonia and the housemates, saying they would go to the Indonesian paradise for a while to get away from controversy once they leave the house. During Cat’s post-eviction interview, though, they changed their mind, admitting that it’s not the best course of action to take because it would be running away from their problems.

“You can’t help who you fall for, but it makes it harder for that person in a sticky situation,” Cat said of her relationship with Lawson in the house.

“Candice is always on my mind. It was hard not to consider her feelings, and it’s hard not to feel for that person who’s not there. It’s a tricky situation and I think that’s why it was such a rocky road between us. But after the damage was done, I sort of ... I would rather someone else’s feelings be hurt for something that was real as opposed to someone’s feelings be hurt and then nothing coming of it.”

It’s not love yet, though, what she feels for Lawson, but it’s “pretty close.”

After watching clips of their fellow housemates giving their opinion on their illicit romance, both Cat and Lawson agreed that they were in the wrong.

“I think both of us from the very beginning that we are not in the wrong, we’ve done the wrong thing, and we’re gonna own up to that. And now we’re gonna do it together,” Lawson said.

When they were shown the media reaction to their relationship, Cat and Lawson appeared to be shocked the most with their former buddy Sam Bramham’s quote, “You’re an a—hole!” referring to Lawson. They also agreed with 89% of the people who sided with Jason Roses’ goodbye message, in which he told the couple that they were hurting Candice by being together.

Her twin sister Rebecca also greeted her on stage. And like Rebecca had said to Sonia weeks before about them often wearing the same clothes without planning to, the twins appeared on stage wearing similar dresses, with Rebecca in blue floral, and Cat in black floral.

Aisha’s Eviction

Before Cat’s name was called, Aisha McKinnon was evicted. Her boyfriend in the house, Travis, couldn’t stop kissing her goodbye, though it was her best friend Skye who looked more devastated. Just a couple of weeks ago, Aisha and Travis rejected a $50,000 offer from Big Brother to exit the house immediately, saying they were not there for the money but for the experience.

Asked by Sonia if she regretted her choice of staying, the New Zealand-born beauty replied, “No regrets at all, Sonia. No way. An extra two weeks in the house mean more to me than $50,000 or what could have been, but money will always be there, the Big Brother experience won’t.”

Her mum Sue surprised her on stage.

The percentage of the votes were not revealed for the week.