“Big Brother Australia” intruder Tom was evicted on Tuesday night, making him the first of the four intruders/neighbours to go. Also, Sonia Kruger took the housemates by surprise by entering the house and rubbing her feet on Penny’s face.

Sonia in the House

The housemates are playing the Remote Control task for the week in a bid to win luxury food items. The rules of the game are simple: the housemates must do whatever the giant remote control says. Whatever they are doing, they should pause, rewind, fast forward or continue to play it if Big Brother wants them to.

While they were on pause, host Sonia went inside the house and caught the housemates in the lounge. This allowed the 49-year-old pregnant presenter to make fun of them. She smelled Priya, sat on Leo’s lap, goaded Ryan (who apparently has been saying a lot of things about her during live shows) and teased the others. But it was what she did to Penny that had the viewers gaping. Sonia lay down and raised her feet on the 30-year-old dancer’s face.


Head of House Travis reported a “burgulary” after men in black-and-white stripe shirts raided the house and took the housemates’ belongings, including Priya’s $8,000 prize money, while the housemates were on pause. He had a chance to get them back, though, if he could spell six words, namely “melancholy,” “sanctuary,” “intruder,” “massive,” “flamingo” and, yes, “burglary.”

He chose Priya and Richard to help him study the words, and it was initially going well, but Richard gave him the incorrect spelling of burglary, which Travis kept pronouncing as burg-u-lary. During the proper test, he got five words correct and got that one word wrong. Big Brother gave him a chance, though. If he could spell his girlfriend Aisha’s name correctly, then he could reclaim the stolen items. Fortunately, even though Travis isn’t a spelling bee master, he was able to spell his pashing partner’s name right.

Priya’s Husband

The Adelaide school teacher was left in tears during the Remote Control task Big Brother set especially for her. When Big Brother called Priya to the diary room, she wasn’t expecting her husband Bhushan to greet her there. Before she was able to get over her shock and get to her husband, Big Brother told her to rewind and pause. The poor Indian beauty had no choice but to walk backwards even though she was itching to give Bhushan a long overdue hug.

Big Brother tortured her a few more times before he allowed her to get closer to her husband. Before she could extend her arms for a hug, though, she was ordered to pause again. Bhushan nevertheless kissed and hugged her.

Tom’s Eviction

Just moments before, the 26-year-old marketing manager was ecstatic that Sonia mentioned his name while she was in the house. The intruder was referred to as “that guy” by one of the tourists who went inside the house while the housemates were on pause the other day. He laughed the incident off with the other housemates, saying that he was so unpopular that the tourist didn’t even know his name.

That’s why he was just happy that Sonia referred to by his name when she went inside the house. He still looked happy when she called him again by his name during eviction.

Unlike last week’s eviction nights when Lawson and Aisha’s names were called, Lina didn’t cry this time for her fellow intruder, whom she knew a few days longer than the two original housemates. Tom’s eviction was swift and perhaps expected. As one of the three intruders who were nominated, he hasn’t developed a large enough fan base yet to save him from eviction.

When Sonia showed him who nominated him, Tom wasn’t surprised that all his fellow intruders – Richard, Penny and Lina – nominated him. He was, however, taken aback upon learning that his best bud Ryan saw him as a threat and threw him under the bus. He is still rooting for Ryan to win, saying the graphic designer and David the radiographer are genuine.

If Skye won, he said he would be disappointed. It’s no secret that Tom hasn’t gotten along well with the 20-year-old barista, whom he called immature and “not humble.” Like other evictees before him, he also thought Skye is just acting dumb and is actually a lot smarter than she let on. However, after unabashedly describing Skye with a few select adjectives, Tom claimed he’s not one to badmouth someone.

Curiously, Tom did not get a $5,000 voucher from AppliancesOnline.com.au. All the other housemates, even Marina who was in the house for just a couple of weeks, had been awarded the prize when they were evicted.

On Wednesday night, another housemate will be kicked out from the house. Penny, Richard, Skye, Ryan and Leo are all up for eviction.

Nomination Recap: Intruder Lina Escapes Nomination

Cat and Lawson: ‘No Regrets About Cheating!’

Readers from Australia can watch the show on the official Web site.

For those outside the country, here’s a YouTube video.