“Big Brother Australia” has lost two housemates for the price of one. The Sugar Sisters were evicted on Wednesday night, leaving an inconsolable Mikkayla getting all “Tully” after their exit. Speaking of Tully, she’s back, like it or not!

Yes, Tully is not just a noun anymore, it has also become a verb and an adjective. And yes again, Tully is back, but not inside the house.

More than a week after she was evicted, Tully was invited back to the studio to “set the records straight.” She’s undoubtedly the most talked about housemate for 2013, and the producers of the show wanted to capitalise a little longer on her fame (or infamy).

The illicit love affair in the house named Drully – Drew and Tully – became the major talked about and perhaps most frowned upon issue in the house. Tully had a girlfriend before she entered the house, but with her flirtatious relationship with Drew developed into something a lot more, Tahlia (Tully’s girlfriend of two years) has dumped her via Twitter.

And that got a lot people inside and outside the house talking.

Read about it here and here and here.

Apart from a few tweets about her change in relationship status, Tahlia has since kept silent about dumping her girlfriend. She refused to go on media interviews, preferring to keep her privacy intact. (A very classy and mature move!)

But Tully hasn’t the same option. Entering (and exiting) the Big Brother house means she has agreed to have her life examined by the public. And since her relationships have been the biggest issue of the show for this season, the producers asked her to come back to answer questions from the viewers and host Sonia Kruger.

Viewers have to give Tully props for replying to questions honestly. As expected, most of the questions asked were about her alleged “cheating” on Tahlia, and she was forthright about her answers.

She has admitted that it crossed her mind more than a few times that she was cheating on Tahlia with Drew, but as she was focus on what’s in front of her, she pushed all thoughts away.

“Are you ashamed at all for cheating on your girlfriend on national television?” one question submitted read.

“Obviously I’m ashamed,” Tully candidly answered. “It was never my intention. I never thought in a million years that that would happen. And the fact that I hurt somebody that I care very much about is horrendous and I feel horribly about it.

“There’s no way I can feel worse than I already feel,” a remorseful Tully said.

She was also honest about being not-so-honest about her relationship with Drew upon her exit. During the interview portion of the eviction night last week, she had downplayed the Drully issue a bit, saying they had nothing going on and that the show just edited a love story out of pure friendship.

But on the #AskTully segment on Wednesday, Tully said that while she just answered what she perceived her reality at that time was, she acknowledged that there’s something more going on than what she had let in.

“We didn’t know what was being showed. And I think in some weird way, I was trying to respect my ex-partner (Tahlia), and I didn’t know what had been shown (or) how much had been shown,” she said, adding that she didn’t know that her trips to the Diary Room in which she had been so vocal about her confused feelings had been shown on air.

She’s now aware of how many viewers have negative opinion of her, but as a social media strategist, she has had encounters with negativity on the Internet before, and that’s helped her a lot in dealing with the backlash.

In case it still isn’t clear, Tully is now single after Tahlia dumped her over her relationship with Drew. But when asked if she wants a relationship with Drew outside the house, she said she’s not sure.

Back to the eviction, the six nominees – Tim, Drew, Mikkayla, the Sugar Sisters, Jade, and Ed – lost one (or two) of their number.

Katie and Lucy, the non-twin sisters who kept the house positive with their super bubbly persona, were the ninth housemate to get evicted.

And as true to their personality, they accepted their eviction with positivity. It’s Katie’s 23rd birthday the next day, and they were partly glad that they would get to celebrate it with their parents.

Not everyone would agree, but the sisters surely have brought sunshine into the house. Their altercations with Tahan brought enough spice in their stay, but overall, the duo kept everything light and breezy.

Tahan might never be their best friend in or outside the house, but at least they had a good, albeit forced, quality time with her.

Perhaps one of the biggest issues Tahan and the viewers have with the sisters is that only Lucy really talks. Katie just agrees on everything her younger sister says.

As evictee Xavier tweeted:

Katie's twitter account will just be retweets from Lucy's #bbau @bbau9

— Xavier Holland BB13 (@xavbait) October 2, 2013

Lucy also proved to be the naughtier sister. On one drunken night, Lucy showed off her breasts for just a fraction of a second. Katie has a boyfriend, but Lucy is single so she was free to mingle with boys inside the house. And mingle she did! The aspiring teacher had memorably locked lips with evictee Caleb and house puppet master Tim. When asked by Sonia who’s the better kisser between Caleb and Tim, Lucy had no second thoughts in answering, “Caleb.”

@BBAUnews hahaha well what can I say! They are great fun the girls and I can't wait to see them! — FiremanCaleb (@FiremanCaleb) October 2, 2013

As two-in-one housemates, the sisters should not be over three metres apart, which they were okay with. However, they were times that they were inadvertently separated. Here are Big Brother’s punishments to the errant sisters:

They were good sports as well. Who can forget their year-end spray tan challenge from Big Brother? As part of the weekly budget challenge, they had had several doses of spray tans in the Diary Room, and the result was a hilariously-looking pair of orange “chimney sweepers.”

All good things must come to an end, though, and unfortunately for the housemates (fortunately for Tahan), it was the Sugar Sisters’ time to go.

Mikkayla’s getting a lot of flak for being “the new Tully” upon the sisters’ exit. Even before Drully came into picture, Tully was getting criticised on her own for being a “sook” who cried every time she didn’t get her way.

So it didn’t escape the viewers that Mikkayla let out the waterworks when Katie & Lucy, her arguably closest friends in the house, were evicted.

And how funny it was that Tim’s dad wore a skeleton onesie just like Tim’s!

The Sugar Sisters’ message from the grave:

Here’s the eviction voting tally:
Sugar Sisters – 12.3%
Mikkayla – 14.4% (tied)
Ed – 14.4% (tied)
Drew – 17.1%
Jade – 17.6%
Tim – 24.2%

Watch the full episode:

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