“Big Brother Australia” has lost its very own Harry Potter. The “thinker,” Richard Hordern-Gibbings, was evicted on Wednesday after just over two weeks in the house.

Confident Skye

Skye was also nominated for the week, but she knew she’s not going anywhere on Tuesday when the first evictee was announced. The 20-year-old barista was so confident that she’s going to be saved that she told Leo she wasn’t packing her bags. When host Sonia Kruger didn’t announce who were saved for the nomination week, Skye was baffled why, and Leo pointed this out. Being observant was apparently a crime because Leo was reprimanded by Skye that he was making fun of her.

Later on, she and Priya were given automatic three nomination points each after they badgered Travis on revealing what he learnt from the outside world. On Tuesday before the eviction, Head of House Travis had the Power Play of asking evicted girlfriend Aisha who were the top players to win by Sportsbet. He was forbidden to talk about this to the other housemates, but Skye and Priya still wanted him to spill out the details.

Travis was able to contain himself, and after a warning from Big Brother, Priya also stopped. However, Skye was relentless, and continued to bother Travis for information. Big Brother then called Priya and Skye to the Diary Room to tell them they were in violation of the rules, and therefore they should receive three points each. An upset Skye stormed out of the room, while Priya was left apologising to Big Brother and going after Skye.

David’s Admirer

It was just a joke powered by then-Head of House Lawson’s Power Play, and was carried on throughout the weeks by the other housemates, but now it appeared David’s female admirer from the outside of the house was real. During the Remote Control task, the housemates were told to “pause,” while a female visitor entered the house.

Her name is Chloe, and she’s David’s long-time “admirer.” She started declaring her love for the 30-year-old radiographer while he was powerless to even return her kiss. After she left, the housemates started to tease him, and David admitted that that was the highlight of his Big Brother experience. However, he also has doubts if she was a real admirer or an actress tasked to act that way. If she’s real, then David would take her out to dinner when he gets out of the house.

She’s not real. As Sonia revealed to the viewers, Chloe is just a fictitious character played by a contest winner.

Quiet Exit

There was little surprise when Sonia called Richard’s name for eviction. After all, the Harry Potter-Edward Cullen look-a-like had only been in the house for a couple of weeks; he hadn’t built a solid fan base yet. But instead of cheering his name, as the housemates are wont to do during evictions, they just let him quietly exit the house.

It’s not because they didn’t want to, but they were on pause while Richard was told to exit the house. The housemates, particularly his fellow neighbours Lina and Penny, appeared to have taken his unusual exit harder than him.

“It’s pretty brutal, to be honest, but that’s the game,” the 25-year-old bank teller from Adelaide admitted to Sonia later on. He also admitted that perhaps Big Brother wasn’t the show for him as he hates drama and the show is all about it.

He was surprised by Priya’s nominating him and saying that she didn’t like talking to him. He said that the schoolteacher had been friendly with him so he was taken aback by her comment. However, he still thought that she could win Big Brother in the end.

Read: Tom Goes Home, Sonia Kruger Enters the House