“Big Brother Australia” evictee Sam Bramham thought his fellow housemate Lawson would be smarter about his relationship with Cat. The Paralympian has seen the episode where Cat and Lawson shared a kiss, and he thought the 23-year-old magic man handled the situation poorly.

Sam on Lawson and Cat’s Sanctuary Kiss

Sam, the latest evictee of the famous house, was in the same situation as Lawson. He knew Sandra has feelings beyond friendship for him, just as Lawson knew how Cat loves him. Both Sam and Lawson have girlfriends outside the house, and therefore both must tread carefully how they continue with their friendship with the female housemates.

But while Sam had admitted in the house that he and Sandra flirted with the idea of being together, he never allowed their friendship to go beyond what was respectful to his partner Michaela. Lawson, on the other hand, debatably took his friendship with Cat further when they kissed under the doona in the sanctuary.

Read: Lawson Cries After Cheating on Girlfriend with Cat.

“Lawson and I both had someone on the outside that we cared about but at the end of the day, he handled that friendship wrong,” Sam said in his post-eviction interview. “He knew that Cat had feelings for him. I knew that Sandra had feelings for me but even if I had feelings back for Sandra, I would never have acted on them.

“There’s no way I could hurt someone so publicly. I honestly thought – up until now – that Lawson would be smarter than that. I knew that he had feelings for her; not knew but I could sense it. I’d be very embarrassed.”

On Thursday’s episode, Lawson and Cat decided that it would be for the best if they don’t hang out with each other anymore. They had decided the same thing before, but they just couldn’t stay away from each other.

When Big Brother allowed the housemates to write a letter to a loved one, Lawson wrote to his dad and asked for understanding. He asked him about Candice Leeder, his long-term girlfriend, admitting that he messed up.

Sam’s Friendship with Sandra

On his own relationship with Sandra, his girlfriend Michaela was not happy about that. He admitted that he had a brief fallout with Michaela about his closeness with the 30-year-old retail manager while in the house, but at least Michaela knew that he didn’t cross the line.

Read: Evictee Sam’s Girlfriend Not Happy with Sandra

And although he thinks Sandra is his female version and was one of his best friends while he was still playing the game, there was a time when he felt awkward with her.

“You’ll always be someone else’s,” Sandra had told him in the bathroom as he was about to go to the sanctuary with Ryan. She was disappointed that he did not choose her to go in the sanctuary with him.

“I didn’t want to let her down. It was so awkward,” Sam said of that particular incident.

“I’ve never been in a situation where someone has been that way. I know Sandra and she’s so smart and so for her to say something like that, knowing that [my girlfriend] was watching – I couldn’t shut her down. I didn’t know what to do.”

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