“Big Brother Australia” fake double eviction has seen one strong contender leaving the house for good, and one just faking it! But first, it’s a screaming match between Tahan and Mikkayla, and Tully cried her heart out after getting another lecture from Ed.

A snippet of the happenings at the late night feast on Friday was featured on Monday’s episode, wherein viewers were treated to a screaming match between two of Big Brother’s strongest females – Tahan and Mikkayla. It was difficult to ascertain what it was they were fighting about. Ben wasn’t even sure if they were serious because between shouts, the girls managed to squeeze in laughter.

“Everyone hates your voice! Shut up!” Tahan yelled at Mikkayla, to which the other countered, “Everyone hates you!”

Later, Mikkayla cried in the hallway, deeply disconcerted by what has just happened in the backyard.

“She’s more alone than you are here. You have genuine friends in here. She doesn’t. You know that she’s a mean person,” Tim consoled the English teacher, referring to Tahan.

Unbeknownst to them, Tahan wasn’t through with her jibes. She mocked Mikkayla in front of the other housemates by pretending to eat fast and asking them who she was impersonating.

Then she proceeded by mocking Mikkayla’s previous breakdown when she had no fitting dress to wear.

“Oh my god I can’t fit into my dress! I don’t know why I can’t fit into my dress,” Tahan imitated the other girl.

She did apologise, though, two days later. She told Mikkayla that she wasn’t making fun of how much she eats, but how fast she does. She even added that she thought Mikkayla was gorgeous, and she didn’t mean the comment that she said.

“It takes a big person to do that,” Mikkayla accepted the government worker and part-time model’s apology.

But there was still something that wasn’t clear to her, so she asked Jade a while later what comment did Tahan say about her.

“I wonder why I’m too fat to fit into my dress,” Jade supplied, but she reiterated to her friend to not quote her because those weren’t Tahan’s exact words.

“That just changes everything!” Mikkayla said.

Another tension playing in the house was between Tully and Ed. The forbidden relationship that is Drully (Drew and Tully) has been a constant issue in the house, and Ed couldn’t take it anymore. He warned Tully not to fully trust Drew because the university student was just playing her.

Tully was defensive as usual. She told Drew what Ed had warned her, which angered Drew. He said he was so furious that Ed had dared to upset the person whom he loves in the house the most.

Tahan tried to talk to Tully about her relationship with Drew, but gave up after the social media strategist chose her lover over Tahan.

Back to the eviction night, Matthew was the first (and real) to go. Getting the least number of votes, the former soldier was promptly evicted.

Matthew answers viewers’ questions:

It wasn’t really surprising, but many people were also expecting Ed to go. While Ed and Matthew have been good eye candies on the show, there are a lot of viewers who weren’t impressed with their bromance or their contribution to the house.

Both were commended, though, for giving Tully a much-needed lecture about her negativity. But while tey were one of the popular kids inside, they weren’t as popular with the audience.

Matthew did leave a “message from the grave” video for the housemates. He was full of praise for Tahan and Ed in his goodbye speech, but had the opposite for Drully, calling the lovers’ relationship disrespectful to Tully’s girlfriend, Tahlia.

Little did Matthew and the rest of the housemates know that Tahlia had already broken up with Tully a few weeks ago after watching her girlfriend take her flirtatious relationship with Drew to a new level.

Read related:
‘Big Brother Australia’ Showdown Recap: Mikkayla Wins, Tully Grouches + Tahlia Twitter Update [Read]

Last week, “Big Brother” host Sonia Kruger revealed that the next eviction would be a fake double eviction night, which meant the housemate with the least votes would be truly evicted, while the other with the most votes would just go into hiding.

The fake evictee turned out to be Ben.

The housemates, who were all clueless about Big Brother’s deception, were shocked to learn that Ben, whom they correctly assumed to be the most popular in the house, was the next to go.

Again, little did they know that Ben was taken to the Presidential Suite instead of being asked to leave the house. In the luxury bedroom, the pyjama-wearing housemate was informed by Sonia that he’s still in the game. Ben was naturally delighted by his real fate.

Big Brother also informed him that he would stay in the Presidential Suite for 24 hours and become Big Brother’s right hand man, which will allow him to recommend on the week’s Shopping Task and influence the nominations on Tuesday.

To top it off, he is also immune from eviction next week.

Ben inside the Presidential Suite:

Here’s the tally of the votes:
Matthew – 11.7%
Katie & Lucy – 12.6%
Mikkayla – 16.1%
Ed – 16.6%
Tahan – 20.8%
Ben – 22.2%

Watch the episode here:

‘Big Brother Australia’ Nomination Swap: Drew Saves Jade, Ed Gets Angry + Housemate Try To Break Up Drully [Read]

‘Big Brother Australia’ Evicted Housemate Caleb Says Tully Deserves What She’s Getting [Read]