“Big Brother Australia” housemates had to forget their personal issues aside and vote for strategy on Tuesday night’s elimination. And with the housemates already know who are the most threatening ones in the group, it’s not hard to fathom the reasoning behind their voting.

For the fifth nomination week, voting was done through pen and paper. They had to write the names of their nominees and their respective points and drop their vote in a ballot box.

Tim has proven to his housemates how cunning and manipulative he is, and that’s why he had the most number of nomination points this week. He knows how to play the game, which irks his other housemates to no end.

Heidi was the first to blow up. After previously admitting that she was just faking her friendship with Tim, she couldn’t hide her distaste anymore when the two had an argument about trust and friendship.

“This is war!” Ed, who, according to Tim, has been playing Switzerland from the start, has declared after the latter’s confrontation with Heidi. He was fed up of Tim’s apparent bullying tactics so he told the housemates that he will “going to build him up so close that I can tear him down.”

Both Heidi and Ed have been leading a revolt against Tim ever since Tim saved Mikkayla and sacrifice himself for possible eviction. They thought he was playing a mind game, telling them with no words that he could beat them all. And he was right. The public votes on Monday night proved that Tim has a clear and wide advantage over Ed.

Tully was the first one to declare war against Tim, although she did so behind his back, just like what Heidi and Ed did. The social media strategist swore to Big Brother in the Diary Room that she would lead a mutiny against Tim if she survived eviction. And since she did, she has started on war plan.

She might not like Jade (she whispered a lot of not-so-kind words about the model from Ballina to others before), but she needed her to form an alliance. She reaffirmed her friendship with Jade, and quickly informed Ed that they have her in their team, which includes Tahan, Heidi, and Matthew.

Drew appeared to be working as a double agent for Tully. After reassuring Tim that he’s his friend, he attended the mutiny meeting against Tim.

Tully’s next strategy is to get close to the enemy himself. Telling Tim “I love you” was her way to get his trust, though it’s unlikely that would easily sway Tim.

So when nomination time came, it was not surprising that Tim’s name popped up the most number of times.

And although the housemates were voting for strategy, Mikkayla still didn’t escape nomination. For the fifth time in a row, she’s included in the unfortunate line-up. The only difference this time is that Ed, who has been steadfast in nominating her every week, couldn’t vote for her this time because his main reason in the previous weeks was just Mikkayla’s bossy personality.

Predictably, Tahan and the Sugars Sisters nominated each other yet again. Whether it’s for personality or strategic reason, the two camps kept finding a way to mention the other’s name for eviction nomination.

Nomination tally:
Jade – Heidi (3), Tahan (2)
Drew – Matthew (3), Katie & Lucy (2)
Mikkayla – Tahan (3), Heidi (2)
Tahan – Tim (4), Katie & Lucy (1)
Katie & Lucy – Tahan (4), Heidi (1)
Ed – Drew (4), Katie & Lucy (1)
Heidi – Tim (3), Jade (2)
Tully – Tim (3), Mikkayla (2)
Ben – Ed (3), Matthew (2)
Tim – Heidi (4), Ed (1)

Matthew, being the recipient of the nomination superpower this week (thanks to latest evictee Caleb), had the power to shred the names of the people he wanted to save. He saved himself twice (3 points from Drew and a point from Ben), spared the Sugar Sisters once (2 points from Drew), and reduced Ed’s nomination points (3 points from Ben).

He then nominated Tully (3) and Mikkayla (2), explaining that since Mikkayla was just saved once and escaped nomination three times, it could mean that she “just slipped under.”

So the six housemates nominated for the week are Tim and Heidi (tied with 10 points each), Tahan (9), Drew (4), Mikkayla (4), and Tully (3).

And just like before, the line-up isn’t final yet. It’s up to whoever wins the Showdown later this week to finalise the nominees by swapping two housemates.

Meanwhile, Tully’s girlfriend from outside the house, Tahlia, has received praise and admiration from “Big Brother Australia” viewers on Twitter.

After the airing of Monday’s episode, in which Tully and Drew exchanged intimate “I Love You’s” while in bed and made smooching sounds under the cover, Tahlia had posted a cryptic message on her Twitter account which has been interpreted by many as her declaration of breaking up with Tully.

Thanks for the concern guys, but I am big girl, I will be just fine. Life goes on.. x #singlebabescomeatme

— TAHLIA. (@beginnersblood) September 2, 2013

She also posted another message, which showed that she was handling everything admirably.

Yes she stuffed up, but she is a human being. Think before you speak, none deserves such hate.. She didn't kill anyone. Live and let live. — TAHLIA. (@beginnersblood) September 2, 2013

Tahlia has since received messages of support from DJ Ruby Rose, “Big Brother Australia” season 9 winner Benjamin Norris, and “Big Brother” evicted housemate Jasmin Bell, who was one of Tully’s allies in the house.

@beginnersblood hey, sending you hugs.

— Ruby Rose (@RubyRose1) September 2, 2013

@BenjaminJNorris @beginnersblood the whole situation makes me sad i wish I could just conduct a massive group hug for all involved xxxx — Jasmin Bell (@JazzBellBB) September 3, 2013

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‘Big Brother Australia’ Elimination Upset Result + Did Tully’s Girlfriend Tahlia Break Up With Her? [Read]