“Big Brother Australia” has evicted its intruder Marina. Also, Head of House Ryan has been given the most impacting of Power Plays yet: He got to swap the new neighbours with four housemates, who will be permanently banished from the house.

Cat’s Twin

Cat and Lawson’s relationship is undeniably the season’s most talked about issue. Lawson has a girlfriend outside the house, but it didn’t stop him from starting a relationship with the 31-year-old divorcee. Cat has been seen as the one who pursued their affair, although Lawson was not without blame. As some housemates have pointed out, he is more at fault since he is the one who owes his girlfriend loyalty.

Read: Lawson’s Girlfriend Candice Leeder in Talks to Enter House, Sonia Kruger Confirms

Cat’s twin sister wanted viewers to know that her sister is not a malicious temptress. Rebecca was in the studio with host Sonia Kruger to reveal what she feels about Cat’s relationship with Lawson.

“I’m torn,” Rebecca told Sonia. “Obviously he brings a lot of comfort to her and he makes her happy. So in that respect, I like it. But it’s created so much negativity so much for her as well so on that side it’s hard as well.”

She added that she understands the reaction of viewers to her twin, but claims “she’s not a malicious, vindictive person. She’s not this temptress ... she’s not like that, really.”

Rebecca also denied Sonia’s assessment that Cat is ignoring Lawson’s relationship with his girlfriend.

“I don’t believe she’s fully ignoring it. You can see she’s having internal battles emotionally. You can see her dealing with that. It’s just harder because the feelings are being reciprocated so it’s harder to stop and say, ‘I can’t go on any further.’”

She said their family is supportive of Cat and hasn’t seen anything that Cat has done that they are embarrassed about. When Sonia asked if Cat has done similar things before, Rebecca said she didn’t fact-check her boyfriends before .

Again, she reiterated that Cat isn’t evil so she hoped viewers would see that un-evil side of her.

Unfortunately, Big Brother has only shown her with Lawson on screen. There have been very few scenes of her with the other housemates. Either the producers only show interesting bits of her with Lawson and shun her other scenes, or she’s just always with him.


As an intruder who had been in the house for less than two weeks, Marina had a hard time soliciting for votes. As a result, she took just 3 per cent share of the votes, a meagre number compared to how much the other nominated housemates received.

The 30-year-old Ukrainian-born nurse from Adelaide came into the house as a Sleeping Beauty. Viewers thought that she would stir the pot as promised, but disappointingly, she was not given as much screen time as the other housemates. She was, however, unwittingly involved in a love triangle with Travis and Aisha, who accused her of flirting with him.

Evicted housemate Sam also left some harsh words for her when he thought she was being too inquisitive for his liking about his relationship with Sandra in the house.

Marina has denied being flirtatious with Travis, though, telling Sonia that she thought he acted like such with everybody. And if she were to be asked, she thought he was more flirtatious with Skye than with her. But as the new girl, her actions, however innocent or calculating, were always questioned.

She has a boyfriend outside the house, and her main concern was what he would think as he watched her on TV. That’s why she was upset when Travis and Aisha had involved her in their drama.

Like the previous evictees before her, Marina received $5,000 voucher from AppliancesOnline.com.au.

Neighbours and Housemates Swap

As part of Head of House Ryan’s Power Play, he got to choose four housemates who would take the place of the four new neighbours, Richard, Tom, Lina and Penny. The neighbours were introduced to the viewers on Monday, and had taken residence in the sanctuary. The four housemates he chose would be banished indefinitely from the main house and into the sanctuary, while the neighbours would take their place in the house.

Ryan swapped Lina with Priya, Richard with Travis, Penny with Cat, and Tom with Leo. His choices effectively broke the house’s three couples, Cat and Lawson, Leo and Skye, and Travis and Aisha.

“Travi loves the sanctuary so much so I thought I’d put him back in there,” Ryan explained his decisions. “Leo, I reckon Leo is going to struggle without the gym so let’s stir the pot there. Cat, I’m just following suit in splitting up the couples ... and Priya, I cannot put the other girls in there because then I would just put the couples back in.”

Travis, Leo, Cat and Priya are now called the neighbours and will live in the sanctuary.

Everyone’s a Nominee

Big Brother cancelled the nomination for the week and just went ahead put everyone in the chopping block. With the exception of the four neighbours-turned-housemates, all the housemates, including the new housemates-turned-neighbours, are now nominated.