“Big Brother Australia” held its last nomination for the week, with Travis the only housemate who got to nominate. Their loved ones have done the nominating for them.

There are only two weeks left before the grand finale, which made the nomination on Thursday all the more important. Those who are lucky not to be nominated are guaranteed a spot on the finals.

As the Head of House, Travis’ Power Play was simply to nominate. Although it didn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary, it was actually a big deal since he was the only housemate allowed to do so. His fellow housemates had to rely on their loved ones to do it for them. He nominated David for three points, and Ryan for two points. His mum would later on nominate for him as well.

Skye and Priya started with three nominations each as they were automatic nominations for bugging Travis to reveal information from the outside during Tuesday night’s eviction.

Who Nominated Whom

David’s dad: Leo(1) because he eats the food in the house; Priya (4) because she planted ideas in others’ heads against his son.

Penny’s mum: Leo (2) because he sunbathes a lot and this concerns Penny; Travis (3) because he didn’t organise recycling while he is Head of House.

Lina’s boyfriend: David (3) because he is “the least genuine housemate” and quite arrogant; Ryan (2) for purely strategic reasons.

Leo’s friend: Skye (2) and David (3), both for strategic reasons.

Ryan’s sister: Priya (3) and Lina (2), both for rallying troops against Ryan.

Travis’ mum: Ryan (3) for nominating Travis almost every week; Leo (2) for “favouring” Skye to be popular.

Priya’s husband: David (3) because he often gets into argument with Priya; Ryan (2) for having an “easy ride” in the house.

Skye’s sister: David (4) because he is annoying and he has attitude; Lina (1) because she hasn’t been nominated for eviction yet.

The nominees for the week are David (16), Priya (10), Ryan (9), Leo (5) and Skye (5), which means Travis and ex-intruders Penny and Lina are safe and guaranteed to be in the finale.


Leo’s friend Johnny nominated for him, and he nominated both Skye and David for strategic reasons. Johnny made it clear that it wasn’t a personal vendetta of some sorts, but just because he thought Leo would have a better chance at winning if Skye isn’t in the running. Leo told Big Brother that he wouldn’t nominate Skye if it were up to him, but he was grateful for his friend for taking the decision out of him.

This wasn’t acceptable to Skye. She took it out on Leo, questioning why his friend would do that to her. When Leo tried to explain that he didn’t know why and had made the mistake of even cracking a smile during his attempt at explanation, Skye once again questioned him for daring to laugh. She then told him it’s fine, as if granting him her forgiveness even though there wasn’t anything to forgive.

Penny and Lina

The two former neighbours from next door have fortunately escaped nomination. The housemates told Big Brother that they couldn’t be angry with the girls’ good fortune, but according to Penny and Lina, they felt some of the housemates couldn’t even look them in the eye, as if they were upset that newbies Penny and Lina were assured in the finals.

Their brief chat in the kitchen appeared to be the only time that they were in agreement, though. While they entered the house as friends, they have seemed to drifted away from each other in the house. Lina is accused of perpetuating the girls v boys divide, while Lina accuses Penny of wanting to spend more time with the boys.

Read: ‘Big Brother Australia’ Evicts ‘Harry Potter’ Richard; Skye Confident to Win