Is “Big Brother Australia” housemate Lawson’s girlfriend Candice Leeder entering the famous house? A report claims so. Also, Aisha and Travis were given opportunity to receive $50,000 in exchange for their self-eviction, and Sandra has been evicted in exchange for nothing.

Cat and Sam

They decided not to hide their love from the others anymore, regardless of how devastating it is to someone else. After a vague night in the sanctuary a week before, Lawson and Sam openly kissed and exchanged I love you’s, not caring anymore that the other housemates knew about their relationship.

Lawson Chooses Cat Over GF, Kisses Cat in Bed

It would have been sweet and romantic, a 23-year-old apprentice electrician and a 31-year-old divorcee falling in love with each other, if not for Lawson’s current relationship status. The house’s resident magician already has a girlfriend outside the house, a fact that everyone, including Cat, knew well.

On Monday’s episode, Lawson said that he chose Cat over his long-term girlfriend, and that yes, he is cheating on her. He seemed unapologetic and determined then.

However, a visit in the Diary Room has had him bawling his eyes out once more. It can be recalled that he also cried in the same room to Big Brother after he felt guilty about spending a night in the sanctuary with Cat. He appeared worried about his girlfriend’s reaction then, asking Big Brother if he had any news about Candice.

Lawson’s Diary Room Cry Part II

Once again, Lawson went to Big Brother to cry about his guilt. Unlike the first time, though, he didn’t seem regretful of the fact that he took his relationship with Cat to the next level, but he was sorry that he has hurt Candice.

His full confession follows:

“I never intended to hurt Candice. I never intended or ever thought in my wildest dream that I’d have a feeling for somebody else, even if I don’t know what that feeling is. I guess I would say that I’m sorry for hurting her. I can’t even imagine how she would feel. Embarrassed, I would assume. She’s a really good person. I’m not. She definitely didn’t deserve this. She’s a really good person, Big Brother. I’ve been really selfish in our relationship and she’s been selfless. I don’t think when I get out of here that she’s gonna want to speak to me apart from the fact to tell me exactly how I made her feel, and she deserves that chance.

“I think I’m sorry for ruining her life, Big Brother. I care about her, Big Brother, I do. And that sounds impossible; I know that, I’m not stupid. I know how anyone thinks that I could care about her from what I’ve been putting her through. She has a really lovely family as well, Big Brother. I’m embarrassed as well. I’ve let her down and her family. Her family really looked after me after my mum died. Her mum made me feel like I still had a mum. Now I don’t think I can look any of them in the eyes. I’m just really sorry.”


She’s not a housemate, but rumour has it that she will be soon. According to former Big Brother 2012 housemate Ryan Buckingham, Candice will be entering the house. His Facebook is set on private, but Behind Big Brother has screenshot his post.

“Can’t wait to see Candice walk inside the BBAU house this week. INSIDE WORD,” the ex-housemate wrote.

There’s no confirmation on Candice’s possible Big Brother appearance. Candice has been so far private about her life. Lawson has previously revealed in the house that they have split a week before he was about to enter the house, but got back together after one day.

Candice recently joined Twitter, but only to tell people to leave her alone.

Now people have my number? STOP!! I am a real person with real feelings. I will voice my feelings when I am ready. #bbau

— Candice Leeder (@Candiceleeder) October 7, 2014

Aisha and Travis’ 50K Dilemma

As part of Head of House Priya’s power play, she got to choose which housemate she thought has been “coasting.” She named Aisha, who was then given a chance by Big Brother to take $20,000 for herself if she would self-evict immediately. The 22-year-old Kiwi, who already won $20,000 from the Perfect Pair competition, chose to stay in the house, therefore forfeiting the money.

Still, Big Brother was insistent. He called on her in-house boyfriend Travis to present them with another dilemma. He would give them $50,000 coming from the prize money to split between them if they would self-evict. He gave them 24 hours to think about it in the sanctuary.

If they chose to take the money and leave the house, there would be no eviction for Wednesday night. Accordingly, if they chose to stay, the eviction would take place as planned.

Sandra’s Eviction

Nominee Ryan had the most votes to save with 38 per cent, which meant that he was taken off the chopping block immediately. Sandra, on the other hand, had a measly 9 per cent of the votes, and was promptly evicted. The rest of the nominees, Priya, Jason and David, are still in danger of eviction on Wednesday night, that is if Aisha and Travis opted to stay in the house.

Her best friend Sam was evicted the week before, but it still didn’t stop Sandra from mentioning his name in a longing manner after watching video clips of the housemates. It’s no secret in the house that Sandra had a massive crush on Sam, although she claimed that her feelings for him eventually turned platonic.

Sandra received $5,000 voucher from, as did the other evictees before her.

Evictee Sam’s Girlfriend Not Happy With Sandra