No regrets! That’s what both “Big Brother Australia” evictees Lawson Reeves and Kate “Cat” Law have been insisting on their time in the famous reality TV house. The duo have started an affair inside the house while Lawson still had a girlfriend outside, but they aren’t apologetic about it.


Lawson, 23, was evicted on Monday and already faced public scrutiny alone. He has been quoted in different interviews that he doesn’t regret anything in the house. Although he is sorry about hurting his most probably now-ex-girlfriend Candice Leeder’s feelings, he treasures the experience in the house, saying he has no regrets in his actions.

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On Tuesday, his other woman, Cat, was also evicted from the house. And just like Lawson, she has been adamant that her experience in the house has been positive, and therefore she can’t regret anything.

“I can’t regret anything that was a positive experience, and the whole Big Brother experience for me was an amazing learning opportunity. I learnt so much about myself,” the 31-year-old midwife said in the 2DayFM breakfast show “Jules, Merrick and Sophie.”

“There were people who got hurt and I’m obviously so sorry about that, but in the end, I got so much personal growth out of it that I personally can’t regret it.”

When she was asked if she would ever have to explain her actions to Candice, Cat said it’s “unrealistic” that there would come a situation where she would have to face Candice.

“I think Lawson definitely has a chance to chat to her, but I don’t see why she would ever talk want to me. And if she did, that’s between us.”

She added that if Lawson and Candice ever talk again with each other, that’s “between the two of them. I can’t interfere with that and he’ll let me know either way what’s going on and I respect that.”


Aisha McKinnon was also evicted on Tuesday. Although her story in the house wasn’t as controversial as Cat and Lawson’s, she was still very vocal about their situation. She has been open about her disapproval of the two’s relationship from the start, saying that she has also experienced being cheated on.

“I probably judged Cat a bit more harshly than I did Lawson because as I said, it happened to me before, and I looked at Cat as the older woman and she is mature, she’s been through divorce, she’s been through heartbreak. So for her to put that heartbreak upon somebody else, that’s very, very sad. So I judged her harshly purely because I’m another woman,” Aisha said to Scoopla’s Benjamin Norris.

“You made her bed, and now it’s time to lie in it,” she said when asked about what advice she would give to Cat. “She’s picked her battles, and now she’s gonna have to fight them.”

As for her own love story in the house, the Kiwi beauty admitted that Travis slipped on saying he loves her when he was fake-evicted.

“Trav is going to deny this, but he accidentally slipped it when he was fake-evicted. He gave me a little kiss and said, ‘I love you, babe.’”

This week, Big Brother evicted three housemates, the most that he has done in a week for the season. Aisha was honest enough to admit she was feeling a bit cheated on by the fact that the original housemates were being kicked out of the house in favour of the four new intruders, namely, Penny, Lina, Richard and Tom.

“They have created a massive gap for the originals to leave, which is hard. As much as I would like to take this with a grain of salt, it’s quite hard when people have walked in just eight days ago and you’re booted out,” the 22-year said.