“Big Brother Australia” underdog Ben has been given the most powerful of powers in the Big Brother house. The 30-year-old unemployed old soul from QLD was given unprecedented power, allowing him to spy on the housemates. Also, the nomination rules have changed, leaving the housemates baffled yet again.

When the most loved housemate in the house left, several of the housemates were inconsolable. Sugar Sisters Katie and Lucy cried their hearts out, wearing pyjamas to honour their pyjama-loving roommate. Drew was also visibly upset, shedding a few tears for the housemate whom he took with him at the Presidential Suite just a few days ago.

He also admitted to Big Brother that he regretted saving Jade on Thursday, saying he should have saved Ben instead.

Unknown to them, Ben was enjoying his time at the Presidential Suite, wherein he would stay for 24 hours.

As the fake evictee, he was also given certain powers by Big Brother. He was allowed to choose two housemates whom he could indirectly ask a question. He picked Tahan and Ed, and asked them what their strategies are now that Ben has left the house.

Tahan’s answer was simple: just be herself. Ed, meanwhile, unwittingly gave Ben some revealing insights on how his mind works. He also revealed that Tim had plotted on Ben’s downfall.

Tuesday night was also nomination night. And with Ben still hiding in the Presidential Suite, BB asked him to play the “outside source” role, whom the holder of the nomination superpower would call for questions.

But first, he was to nominate first. He gave Tim three points and Tahan two points.

Ed, the holder of the “caller” superpower (thanks to recently evicted housemate Matthew), was able to call Ben to ask about the nomination tally. He also had six points to distribute to whomever he wanted. He knew he was talking to Ben, but he didn’t know that the fake evictee was in the other room. He was told that Ben was watching from the BB headquarters.

It seems Ben was right on the money when he called Ed the “dark prince” for being mysterious. After betraying his pash partner Jade last week (choosing her over Tim to join him on the nomination line-up), Ed again betrayed the only friend he has left in the house – Jade. He gave her two points, and gave Drew and Jade two points each as well.

Here’s the nomination tally:
Ben – Tim (3), Tahan (2)
Drew – Tahan (3), Katie & Lucy (2)
Tully – Jade (3), Mikkayla (2)
Katie & Lucy – Tahan (3), Tully (2)
Mikkayla – Tully (4), Tahan (1)
Tahan – Katie & Lucy (3), Jade (2)
Jade – Tahan (3), Tully (2)
Tim – Katie & Lucy (2), Tully (3)
Ed – Tahan (2), Jade (2), Drew (2)

The four nominated housemates are Tahan (14 points), Tully (11 points), Jade (7), and Katie & Lucy (7). As always, the line-up isn’t final yet. But instead of a nominated and a safe housemate swapping places with each other on Thursday, a nominated housemate would be saved, and the rest of the safe housemates would remain safe, leaving the final nominated number to three.

Watch the episode here:

‘Big Brother Australia’ Fake Double Eviction: Tahan And Mikkayla War + Tully & Drew Against The World [Read]