The “Big Brother Australia” intruder has entered, and his name is Ryan Burke-Gaffney, who is known as Leo in the house. Also, the housemates have nominated for the third time, so now there are seven up for double eviction.

Katie’s Exit

The Queen Bee has been ousted from her hive. Katie was the third housemate to be eliminated on Tuesday. Her parting message to the housemates was as venomous as it could get, especially for Skye, whose tantrums she “can’t deal.”

“I get paid to work with children,” the 25-year-old nanny said in the video to Skye. “I’m not paid to be here with you. You need to just tone it done a notch.”

She also cited the “love triangle” as the biggest issue in the house. The love triangle is about Skye, Jake and Lisa. Jake first made out with Skye, but a week later, he admitted that he liked Lisa. After the eviction on Tuesday, he was back in bed with Skye, who was confused with Jake’s wandering affection towards her and Lisa. Unknown to Skye, Lisa and Jake talked about her and her alleged propensity for blowing up situations.

Outside the house, Katie has a new nickname for Jake. She has been told that Jake is reigning BB champ Tim Dormer’s roommate. Tim had entered the house during the house party, but has not acknowledged his friendship with Jake to the other housemates.

“I can’t believe that!” Katie said to TheFIX. “I don’t know who the real Jake is but he’s definitely sneaky and he’s definitely playing on things. I think people don’t know the real Jake as yet.”

She now calls him “Jake the Snake” because of his apparent duplicity.

Leo the Intruder

As Behind Big Brother first reported, the intruder’s name is Ryan, but he would be going by a different name in the house since there’s already a Ryan in. Leo, as he is now called, is a 30-year-old health buff from Canada who now lives in the Gold Coast.

Unlike most, if not all, housemates, Leo has not seen a single episode of the show. Apparently, he does not even own a TV. He just wanted to enter the house because it’s “a once in a lifetime experience.”

His intro video might make him look like another Dion, but Leo denied that he’s a gym junkie. He’s also not a troublemaker, according to him. He really did sound like Dion, though.

Here’s a video of him starring in a real estate ad:

To help bring him up to speed on the happenings in the house, Big Brother asked him which of the housemates he would like to meet.

Leo chose Aisha.

He got Lisa instead.

If he was disappointed, he didn’t show it. Part of Lisa’s Yes No challenge is to have dinner with the intruder, which, of course, she agreed to.


The latest nomination included housemates nominating their former partners, and most of them nominating David.

The 31-year-old radiographer had approached a few housemates for strategy since he believed he would be up for nomination for the week. But his talk with the others had aggravated his standing more. The housemates thought that he was full-on in the game, making him untrustworthy in some housemates’ eyes.

His former partner Sandra also nominated him for being disrespectful. He apparently made comments about her imperfections and her small breasts, and Sandra was having none of it.

“P.S. Small boobs rock!” Sandra said, refusing to cower from David’s diss.

Skye has also nominated her ex-partner Lisa. Ryan also did the same, nominating his first partner in the house, Travis.

As the Head of House, Sam got a nomination super power, which gave him 12 points for nominations. He could trade one point for each name he would like to see on the board. He chose to see Sam, Lawson, Lisa and his own name. That sneak peak had cost him four points, leaving him with eight points to delegate. He nominated Travis for three points, and Aisha for five.

Here’s the rundown of nominations:

Travis – Priya (3), David (2)

Aisha – Jake (3), David (2)

Skye – Lisa (3), Ryan (2)

Jake – Jason (4), David (1)

Lisa – David (3), Cat (2)

Priya – Cat (3), Lawson (2)

David – Jake (4), Priya (1)

Jason – David (3), Lawson (2)

Lawson – Travis (3), David (2)

Sandra – Skye (3), David (2)

Cat – David (3), Lisa (2)

Ryan – Skye (3), Travis (2)

Sam – Travis (3), Aisha (5)

The nominees for the week are David (18), Travis (8), Jake (7), Skye (6), Aisha (5), Cat (5) and Lisa (5). It’s going to be a double eviction again. One housemate will be evicted on Monday, and another on Tuesday.

Read: 3rd Eviction Recap: Queen Bee Katie Ousted

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