“Big Brother Australia” nomination night has seen three out of four intruders on the chopping block on Thursday.

David V Skye

Once the only person in the house who stood by him when everyone was against him, Skye is now David’s worst enemy in the house. The 20-year-old barista and the 31-year-old radiographer couldn’t hide their dislike of each other anymore, and have frequently voiced out their feelings in front of each other and every other housemates who would listen.

Skye had also inadvertently listened to David’s musings about her in the Diary Room. Much to her surprise, she could hear what David had been yapping about her while he was pouring his heart out to Big Brother in the secluded second floor room.

“Skye and I don’t see eye to eye,” David told Big Brother. “She likes to bring things up and rehashing. I find that she has very selfish attitude towards people in the house. She’s not afraid to tell people what she doesn’t like about them. When someone does the reverse about her, she acts up.”

Richard and Priya

The two self-proclaimed thinkers have found themselves wary of each other, and perhaps rightfully. It seems Richard has taken David’s earlier warning about Priya seriously, and now he thinks she is trying to gauge his every move. When the intruders – Richard, Penny, Lina and Tom – were still the neighbours next door, they invited David to have a chat with them. David happily told them what he thought about the housemates, saying they shouldn’t trust Priya because she has a hidden agenda every time.

When Priya was telling Richard her close friendship with evictee Jason in the house, Richard quickly questioned her motive for telling him the story.

“Are you proposing a similar partnership, Priya?” the 25-year-old bank teller asked, to which Priya answered no.

In the tree house, another “thinker” Lina warned Priya not to trust Richard because he doesn’t have loyalty to anyone. Later on during the nomination, Priya nominated Richard for three points, saying the house doesn’t need another David, which is ironic because Richard admitted that it’s David whom he liked the least in the house.


As the Head of House, David had super power during the nomination. He had 12 points to nominate, but one point would be deducted for every name he would like to see on the board. He requested to see his own name, as well as Ryan, Skye and Priya’s. Then he used his remaining points on Skye for five, and Priya for three. He wanted to save his buddy Ryan, but with the 26-year-old graphic designer’s name sitting so high in the red zone, he couldn’t do anything even with his super power.

Out of the four intruders-turned-housemates, only Lina escaped nomination. Tom had the most nomination points with 10, while Penny and Richard got six and five points respectively. Lina’s exclusion from the dreaded category surprised some of the housemates, including her fellow intruders who had thought all of them would be up for eviction.

Who Nominated Whom?

Leo – Penny (3), Ryan (2)

Lina – Ryan (3), Tom (2)

Ryan – Penny (3), Tom (2)

Penny – Leo (3), Tom (2)

Travis – Leo (4), Lina (1)

Tom – Lina (3), Richard (2)

Priya – Leo (2), Richard (3)

Richard – Tom (4), David (1)

Skye – David (3), Ryan (2)

David – Skye (5), Priya (3)

The nominees for the week are Tom (10), Leo (9), Ryan (7), Penny (6), and Richard (5) and Skye (5).

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