“Big Brother Australia” has evicted Strategy Dave on Tuesday. The man, whose formerly luscious beard was once the talk of the house, missed out on joining the grand finale, making her nemesis Priya cry... with happiness.

Host Sonia Kruger made the rivalry of David and Priya last until the very end. It was down to the two bickering housemates during the eviction announcement, and when David’s name was called, the only person crying was Priya, though her tears might be of relief that she’s safe rather than of sadness that David had to go.

“She’s not my part-time nemesis, she’s my full-time,” David described Priya, admitting that they are two very alike people, that’s why they clash constantly in the house.

David’s Post-Eviction Interview

Although David had “no real feelings” for Priya, whether they’re good or bad feelings, he had no qualms calling Skye names. The 31-year-old radiographer thought the 20-year-old Gold Coast barista “has really immature double standards.”

“Skye is happy to call someone a name, and then the next thing run off crying when someone call her a name,” David dished out. He added that he wasn’t that immature when he was 20.

David’s biggest fan was a girl named Chloe, whom he personally met in the house when he was on pause. Chloe had told him via Big Brother that she thought he was a cutie, and then relayed her wish for him to have a goatee. Flattered, David did get a goatee, perhaps thinking that he was pleasing a fan.

Unfortunately, Chloe doesn’t exist. She was just a name invented by Sam and Lawson to make David feel he had a strong female following. The girl who sneaked inside the house was a contest winner, whose name isn’t probably Chloe.

David only discovered the truth during his post-eviction interview with Sonia. He took the news well, though, joking that he was devastated. It’s not a total lost cause because “Chloe” really “has the hots” for him, as Sonia revealed.

David’s Transgressions with the Women in the House

He couldn’t pick a fight with the men, but he couldn’t hold his tongue when talking about the female housemates. The fights that he had had in the house were with the women. He has been accused of saying the wrong things about them, such as unsavoury remarks about their physical looks. Sonia gave David a chance to say something differently about the women, starting with Sandy’s thighs.

“It’s exercise, not a magic wand,” he originally said to Sandy when she complained about her thighs. David told Sonia he wouldn’t take it back because that’s the truth, but he could have just said that Sandy looked fine.

“I don’t have mates that would date any of youse,” David had said to the housemates. He revived his comment with, “I don’t have friends that would date any of you” because “youse is not a word.”

As for his infamous comment about Lisa’s “pretty low” breasts, Sonia answered for him that he should have said nothing. He didn’t agree because that wouldn’t have been him.

Skye After Leo’s Departure

Confident Skye shed no tears for her “boyfriend” Leo’s eviction on Monday. “He’s an awesome dude!” she beamed when the housemates asked her to say positive about the latest evictee, adding that she’s grateful that she’s still in the house. With only one week to go, there’s no time left for her to miss her pashing partner.

Before eviction, she admitted to Priya that she wanted Leo to go that night. She got her wish. And as Priya accurately observed, “Skye didn’t look sad at all.”

Vote to Win

Viewers are now encouraged to vote for the housemate they want to win, not just to save. The concept is still the same, but the housemate who will get the most votes will win the show. On Tuesday, three housemates will be eliminated, and on Wednesday, the champion will be crowned.


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