Cody and Caleb, perhaps two of the strongest competitors in "Big Brother" Season 16, are heading for a major showdown. Caleb's interest towards Amber is seen by some of his allies in the house as a distraction and may cost him in the future.

In the previous episode of "Big Brother" the remnant members of the Bomb Squad formed a new alliance called the Detonators; the name was suggested by the undercover cop Derrick Levasseur. The members of the alliance include Frankie, Derrick, Zach, Cody and Christine.

After the events of the previous episode Brittany and Victoria are feeling more isolated and alone. Brittany shared her feelings with Zach and Victoria spoke to Hayden regarding her isolation.

Caleb was seen sneaking up into the HOH room. He saw Cody holding Amber's hands, trying to warm her cold hands. Caleb left the room after the situation got a little awkward and some of the other contestants started to giggle in the bed.

Caleb was seen discussing the Cody and Amber situation with Zach. Zach told Caleb that Cody behaves in a similar fashion with the other girls who run up to him too. Caleb says that he doesn't like any other girl like that and that Cody should respect his feelings.

Things got more interesting when Brittany picked Caleb in the Power of the Veto competition. Cody suspects that Caleb and Brittany are working together. Cody is increasingly seeing Caleb as a threat in "Big Brother" Season 16.

The Power of the Veto competition was a football match. After the other contestants got eliminated one after the other the final match was surprisingly between Caleb and Victoria. It did not surprise Caleb when she scored a zero in the final match. Caleb won the Power of Veto with a perfect score of 50 in the final match.

Cody considers naming Caleb as a replacement nomination. Frankie wants Cody to see that Brittany will become a bigger threat if she stays in the game and all Caleb wants is to get a date with Amber and does not pose a threat to the Detonators in "Big Brother" Season 16.

In the end Cody decides to reluctantly nominate Donny. Frankie and the others were seen smiling after Cody followed the game plan and did not let his personal feelings get in the way. Donny was promised by Cody that he will not be the replacement nominee and he intends to find out who influenced Cody's decision. The competition will now be between Brittany and Donny in "Big Brother" Season 16.

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