"Big Brother" already a housemate by the name of Helen Wood is already in talks of spilling her sex secrets with Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney while in the "Big Brother" house.

Helen Wood (check photo at Daily Star) is among the housemates who will be staying at the "Big Brother" House. Helen Wood is a former prostitute who first came to the nation's attention after she took part in a sex scandal with England footballer Wayne Rooney in 2010, reports Daily Mail.

The sex scandal which happened at Salfrod's Lowry Hotel shows a threesome between Helen Wood, her friend Jenny Thompson and Wayne Rooney. It shocked Rooney's marriage to wife Coleen and also reportedly affected Rooney's pitch as being Manchester United's forward player.

Now the 27-year old Helen Wood is set to spill her sex secrets with Rooney while in the "Big Brother" house, and her family fears it will have another negative effect on Wayne Rooney's football career, especially with the upcoming World Cup in Brazil. Wayne Rooney now has a son with wife Coleen and Helen Wood spilling her sex secrets with Rooney in the "Big Brother" might tear the family apart.

A friend of Helen Wood's family told Daily Star Sunday that Wood's timing in joining "Big Brother" couldn't have been more perfect if she plans on speaking up about her sex secrets with Rooney.

"We understand Helen was supposed to go on Celebrity Big Brother back in January but for some reason she was dropped," the friend said adding "the fact that she has landed a place on the regular Big Brother right at the same time Wayne will be playing for England in the World Cup is more than just a coincidence."

The source continued that Helen Wood's family think it is a planned set-up that she appears in "Big Brother" during the World Cup, and her family doesn't approve of her decision to enter the "Big Brother" house.

The source continued, "It smacks of a set-up. Helen Wood tried to hide the fact she was on the show for ages. She doesn't speak to her dad and her relationship with her mum Mary is strained. But she had to come clean about "Big Brother" because she has been calling in favours for people to look after her son while she is away."

Helen Wood's family is reported to be fuming at her decision to join "Big Brother" and dreading what she will do. When the scandal broke in 2010 they were ashamed. Now if she ever decides to spill her sex secrets with Wayne Rooney while in the "Big Brother" house, then it will cause repercussions not just for Rooney but for her family as well.