The "Big Brother UK" house was reportedly called a "cesspit" causing housemates to fall ill. Now a new report claimed some dirty underwear left by an unidentified culprit may be the reason why three housemates have suddenly fallen ill.

Mirror UK reported three pairs of ladies underwear and a pair of men's white underpants were retrieved from the housemates' beds last week. It's speculated that the unknown culprit could have used these dirty underwear pieces to spread some kind of disease.

"We'll get diseases," housemate Mark Byron said.

Apparently, it seems to be the case, since three housemates have reportedly suddenly fallen sick from mysterious illnesses. Few speculated they could have been exposed to the bacterial infections carried by the dirty underwear.

One "Big Brother UK" housemate already left the show ten days ago after getting sick. According to Daily Star, Kimberly Kisselovich, 23, left the house after getting sick from a mysterious bug. Then in the past 48 hours, former call-girl Helen Wood, 27, reportedly also felt sick. Chris Wright has also developed an unfamiliar rash for the past two days.

According to Mirror UK, ex-housemate Steven Goode claimed the "Big Brother" house is a "cesspit."

"It's proper filthy in there. There's food lying around everywhere. It stinks. And someone is leaving these s****y pants and knickers around," he said.

'It's disgusting," he added, as he said everyone is still trying to determine who the culprit is.

This is not the first time the house has been soiled by carriers of possible bacterial infection. Mirror UK previously reported rats the size of cats were also seen running around the "Big Brother" house.

These rats even had production crew running in fright in the middle of the night when some braved the camera. The rats were reportedly seen bustling around inches away from the sleeping housemates.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines, dirty underwear can be categorised under "feces and offensive waste." Unhealthy disposal could lead to skin rashes, eye infections, and even stomach pains.

A spokesman for HSE said the "Big Brother UK" studios should look into the problem immediately and properly before anyone else gets sick.

"While we have no legislation for dirty pants, it is something the studios should assess and deal with appropriately," the spokesman said.

According to Daily Star, Channel 5 has declined to comment on the matter, especially when there is worry that the "Big Brother UK" house may be closed down on health and safety grounds.

Source: YouTube/Big Brother