The Odin's Warriors Motorcycle Club stands to collect a million dollars when it hands over its clubhouse to the state government.

Queensland government will be negotiating with the club in order to resume the Moorooka clubhouse. The club's property for 20 years is one of five homes and businesses to be cleared out for the $8.2 billion Cross River Rail project.

Senior executive Paul Flego of real estate agent Raine and Horne estimated the clubhouse to be worth between $800,000 and $900,000. Flego recently sold another property in the same street for more than $1 million.

A spokesman for Odin's Warriors said, “As we have not spoken to or met with the government on this issue yet, our concerns lie with the adequate and fair purchase of these properties... We have resided there for the past 20 years. This resumption affects us personally as we have great sentimental value to this property as it is our home.”

A representative from the Department of Transport and Main Roads gave the assurance that any “business or organization that owns property that needs to be resumed for a transport project is entitled to compensation, just like any property owner in the same situation.”

Eighty four of the properties being resumed were on industrial land south of Yeerongpilly.