While the "Robsten" duo has managed to patch things up secretly, another Hollywood couple has gone to waste. On Wednesday, "Secret Circle's" Chris Zylka took quite a bitter battle to Twitter announcing a-not-so-very good split between him and "Pretty Little Liar" Lucy Hale. Now, Chris is cleaning up the bitter dirt off Twitter with numerous apologies.

Engagements in Hollywood are either silent or messy. The same thing would go for splits between well-known celebrities. It's funny how one couple look so lovey-dovey in one picture then appear to be strangers in the next photo or article up on the web.

Ironically, fans and tinsel-town stalkers are already used to such drama. So when Chris Zylka poured out his broken heart on Twitter, everyone knew who had bent up his heart. So how did the Twitter tattle even start? Thanks to one fan who had openly admired Chris' "then" girlfriend, Lucy Hale, Chris had replied, "@RaeFRobinson don't have a girlfriend. She decided she was too good."

A few other tweets followed which all spelled bitterness and resentment pointing out that the couple had broken up on not-so-good terms.

"There's a difference between celebrities and movie stars. Celebrities fade away, while movie stars stick around forever," says another tweet by Zylka which was then followed by lyrics from a Smashing Pumpkin's song, "Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage, someone who said what was lost can never be saved."

Now, trying to clean up the mess on Twitter, Zylka had started off with a lengthy apology even mentioning his ex-girlfriend's name.

"I'd like to apologize about my previous comments. Lucy is not only one of the most talented people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing but also one the most beautiful inside, and out. Anyone who's ever watched, or had the pleasure of meeting her knows this to be true," tweeted Chris, adding,

"I apologize for tarnishing any view anyone has on this amazing women. I had the honor of loving her. That love will never fade, as your love should never fade from her is well. She's going to change the world one day. And the last thing I want to do is be any reason for her to look bad in any way."

That wasn't even the end of the tweet. Chris had added, "She a remarkable human with an infectious personality, and a heart bigger than anyone's I've ever known. Proud to love her. And I'll continue to be her biggest fan as I know she will to me too. Love you all and be well and don't forget."

Hopefully, the public apology went well and pray-tell that Chris won't have to do another lengthy tweet for the sake of ex-girlfriends in the future.