NBC's new drama series, "The Blacklist," premiered on September 23, 2013. The show has managed to keep a majority of premiere-episode audience interested, with an estimated total of 12.08 million viewers tuned-in to watch the second episode.

The principal character of "The Blacklist" is Raymond 'Red' Reddington, who is played by James Spader. Reddington is on the most wanted list of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In a surprise move, Reddington turns himself, telling the FBI that he has some important information and would like to share. However, it is an offer with one condition attached. Reddington would only talk to a young female FBI profiler, Elizabeth Keen, played by Megan Boone. There are speculations that he might be the father of Elizabeth.

"Red isn't a psychopath and the relationship (Red and Elizabeth's relationship) is based on something real and intimate," James Sprader, 53, said in an interview with The Independent.

The actor, however, does not think that his character Red is the father of Elizabeth. "It would be too easy," Sprader said as quoted by New York Daily Times.

"You have new cases and you also have this larger thread of the relationship between Reddington and Elizabeth Keen. They weave together and that makes it more interesting, I think, than just a police procedural."

In the second episode of "The Blacklist," Freelancer," Liz and Red track an "assassin who disguises his kills in large-scale catastrophes," according to the synopsis of NBC.

Jon Bokencamp, creator of "The Blacklist," called the series, as quoted by Indiewire, a "strange hybrid" in terms of character drama and case-of-the-week.

"Each week we're going to dip into a different world of crime. There's an opportunity to have fun with the various people who are involved in crime in ways we have not seen before. The reason you come back to the show are the people and the secrets that they have, what's happening at home."

"The Blacklist," created by Jon Bokenkamp, premiered in Australian on free-to-air TV on Monday.