Brynn Cameron, who used to play for University of Southern California (USC) women's basketball team, has just given birth to a baby boy with Los Angeles Clippers' Blake Griffin. On Monday, Griffin told the Los Angeles Times that he just became a father for the first time. The baby was born on Aug 1 and named Ford Wilson Cameron-Griffin.

"We are very pleased to have a healthy baby boy, but we courteously ask each other to keep our personal affairs in a private manner, and to just focus on parenting our son," Griffin told the Lost Angeles Times.

Now, why would Griffin release a statement like this? Apparently, as reported by TMZ, Griffin and Cameron are no longer together. However, reports about the real status of Griffin and Cameron's relationship are still limited and inadequate at this time.

Was it just coincidence that Cameron mothered both sons of two athletes? It seems like the former USC basketball player certainly has an eye for athletic guys, don't you think?

You may remember that she once dated National Football League (NFL) Quarterback Matt Leinart. Lo and behold, she also had a baby with Leinart, named Cole, who is now 6 years old and living with her. Cameron's relationship with Leinart did not last that long too. They have broken up, and their separation resulted to Leinart giving child support. As reported by TMZ, Cameron gets $15,000 a month from Leinart.

Well, now that Griffin and Cameron are reportedly not a couple anymore, will she ask him to provide child support for his child too? If she does, it will be all over the news, that's for sure. In the meantime, Griffin will continue to remain single and unattached in the eyes of many women that fancy him, all throughout the globe.

Here's a picture of Griffin that he uses for his Twitter account as profile picture.