"Boardwalk Empire" season 4 episode 2 began with "Agent" Nelson played by Michael Shannon. He is no longer an agent and readers will remember him trying to sell irons in the previous season.

Nelson now calling himself George Muller is a delivery boy and muscle man. He is seen delivering flowers as condolences and punching a man to collect money. He later joins Al Capone. Richard Harrow is seen living the quiet life in season 4 of "Boardwalk Empire," with his sister. He pays a visit to man whose name he finds on a tax bill. He doesn't kill him on account of the man's family. The man is later found shot and Harrow gets a call to "resovle" an unpaid tax.

Eddie Kessler, Nucky Thompson's butler, is seen too old or weak to do his job has he bumbles about spilling coffee. Readers will remember he had taken a bullet for Nucky in the previous season of "Boardwalk Empire." He is given more responsibility in season 4 of the series..

Nucky visits Edward Bader, who is Mayor and into construction. Nucky is not happy that he has to visit him in person and demands a cut from a new construction. He also meets Federal agent Warren Knox. Agent Knox killed his fellow agent by tricking him into opening a booby trapped door attached to a gun, in the first episode of season 4. Nucky asks him to deal with his brother Eli. Warren Knox is actually an undercover agent in season 4 of "Boardwalk Empire."

Chalky White is busy with his new club and trying to find a girl who witnessed her husband's murder. Chalky's right hand henchman is responsible for the killing and is on the lookout for the woman. She marks the beginning of the friction between Chalky and Dr Narcisse.

Dr Valentine Narcisse made his season 4 appearance in this episode of "Boardwalk Empire." He is apparently the boss the man killed by Chalky's henchman. He comes with the wife Chalky is looking for and confronts him.

The confrontation leads to problems in Chalky's club with the band not performing. The band is partly owned by Dr Narcisse. Nucky arranges a sit down between the two and Chalky has to offer 10 percent of the profits from the club to make the problems go away. But will they? Keep watching "Boardwalk Empire" season 4 to find out.

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