"Boardwalk Empire" Season 4, episode 3 was mostly about business. There is one thing that every gangster needs, and that is - more money. Nucky considers new business opportunities so do the other characters.

Nucky Thompson:

Nucky Thompson has been in the liquor business in all the previous seasons. It had made him rich and powerful, but it came with its own set of problems and enemies. He is offered a business deal in real estate by a friend.

Nucky had to travel all the way to Tampa, to evaluate a potentially lucrative real estate business. He meets another real estate agent who explains how things work in the city. Nucky decides to back out of the deal, only to find out that his friend is desperate and needs the deal to pay off a debt.

Nucky eventually accepts the offer over the phone just when he is about to leave, but it is too late. His friend has murdered the man who he owed money to. Will Nucky venture into real estate so far away from his home city?

Richard Harrow:

Richard realises that something is not right, when his sister says that she had paid all the taxes. Who called him about the unpaid taxes then? He is also visited by the man who paid him money to kill; Richard's unwillingness to kill one of the men has made his employer angry.

Carl Billings is back with a henchman, and in the middle of the conversation Richard kills the henchman. He would have been killed by Carl, but his sister saves him by shooting Carl in the head. Richard Harrow decides to leave, but where will Richard go in the next episode of "Broadwalk Empire" season 4?

Dr. Narcisse:

Dr Narcisee now has a stake in the club owned by Chalky White. He brings a star singer to perform at the club and Chalky cannot get his eyes off of the stunning beauty! Dr Narcisse has other plans in the club though, as he offers Chalk's right-hand man a deal in the heroine business.

Dr Narcisee is now buying heroine from Arnold Rothstein, and hopes to expand his territorial reach beyond Harlem. Is this the beginning of his rise? Will the profits from the heroine trade make him too powerful for even Nucky to handle?

There are so many exciting new plots as the "Boardwalk Empire" season 4 unfolds. Eli Thompson's son gets into trouble in college over a girl. Gillian Darmody is asked to pretend to be a wife and so much more.

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