Al Capone is out for vengeance in "Boardwalk Empire" Season 4 episode 7. He had previously promised that everything that crawls was going to pay. Nucky Thompson senses that there is something wrong.

Al Capone:

Al Capone is back! He wants vengeance against all those who are responsible for his brother's death. The victims of his vengeance are cops but his main target is Dean O'Banion. But, he initially did not get the go ahead from Johnny Torrio.

It looks like Johnny Torrio is depending more and more on Al Capone. Torrio buys a property from Dean O'Banion and just as the deal concludes the place gets raided by cops. Al Capone urges Torrio to consider that it was a setup.

A tired Torrio who had just returned from jail finally relented and has given the go ahead to have Dean O'Banion killed. Will this mark the rise of Al Capone and put Torrio in semi retirement?

Nucky Thompson:

Nucky Thompson has a feeling that something is not right. His brother Eli begins to suspect agent Knox. Will the information Nucky has on agent Knox lead him astray? Will the long arm of the law finally catch up with him in "Boradealk Empire" Season 4?

Meanwhile, Nucky has to solve some family issues. Eli's son drops out of school and looks to Nucky for support and a job. Eli is furious and smacks his son upon hearing that his son has dropped out. Can Eli stand for his son working for Nucky?

Arnold Rothstein happens to meet Nucky's former love Margaret; she is now working under a new name of Mrs Rowan. Rothstein could use this information to his advantage if he finds out that Nucky does not know where she works. There is also trouble brewing in Chalky White's club.

Chalky White:

Dr. Narcisse plays a dangerous game. He appears to be a good and decent man wanting to contribute to the community by getting rid of drugs. But the people in the community are unawre that he is the one bringing in the drugs into the community and making lots of money.

Chalky White seems to be oblivious to the fact that drugs are being peddled by his right hand man. Chalky is also having an affair with the star singer in his club. The singer finally reveals what fans have long been suspecting - she informs on Chalky to Dr. Narcisse.

"Boardwalk Empire" Season 4 is getting more intense as all the plots are moving towards a close. Nucky Thompson will need to deal with agent Knox and Chalky White is in a precarious situation without even realising it, he will need to confront Dr. Narcisse soon.

Click here to read more spoilers from the exciting new season of "Boardwalk Empire" as a bartender likes to punch Nucky Thompson before making love.