"Boardwalk Empire" Season 5 will the last from the series. The producers of the TV show have released a poster and a teaser trailer. The hints point to more action and a lonely Nucky Thompson, whose reign maybe at an end. Spoiler Alert.

The new teaser trailer shows most of the fans' favourite characters like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Chalky White, Dr. Narcisse, Margaret Schroeder, Nelson Van Alden and Nucky Thompson. Readers should note that Eli Thompson was missing in the trailer.

In "Boardwalk Empire" Season 4 Nucky Thompson tried to tie up all the loose ends and leave Atlantic City. He wanted to head to Cuba with Sally. But things didn't exactly go according to his plans. In the finale viewers find him a step ahead of the plot.

"Boardwalk Empire" Season 5 promises more action. The title of the newly released poster reads "No One Goes Quietly." Fans were disappointed that the show will only have 8 episodes compared to the 12 in the previous season. Click here to see the poster.

Earlier the producers had shown a teaser trailer portraying the lonely life of Nucky Thompson. In the season 4 finale his brother Eli also pointed out the lonely life led by Nucky. Viewers saw Eli get in with Nelson towards the end of the episode.

Nucky may have got most of his affairs in order but the problems with Joe Masseria still remain. The ambitions of Lucky Luciano and the other younger members of the mob are growing and so is the influence of Al Capone.

Many of the fans expressed their disappointment that Richard Harrow will not be seen in "Boardwalk Empire" Season 5. The character was seen dying on a beach in the finale episode of the previous season.

Readers must note that Nucky Thompson was seen chairing a meeting in the "Boardwalk Empire" Season 5 trailer. This suggests that he has not yet left to Cuba. But without Chalky, Richard Harrow and his brother he may need to look for a new muscle man to carry out his orders.

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