"The Bold and the Beautiful," also known as B&B, will have some adventurous things for its characters including Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton), Ivy Forrester (Ashleigh Brewer), Pamela "Pam" Douglas (Alley Mills), Hope Logan (Kimberly Matula), Wyatt Fuller (Darin Brooks), Oliver Jones (Zack Conroy), Alexandria "Aly" Forrester (Ashlyn Pearce) and Quinn Fuller (Rena Sofer). Find out what happens next as big decisions and different plans are made and good news is given in B&B. Spoiler Alert! This article contains "The Bold and the Beautiful" spoilers for the Aug. 7, 2014 episode. Read only if you want to know more about it.

According to TV Guide, here's what will happen on "The Bold and the Beautiful" on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Liam decides to go to Paris after all. Meanwhile, Oliver and Aly spend some time with each other at the office and talk about Liam and Hope.

On the other hand, Soaps.sheknows reports that Ivy will get some good news from Pam. It's about Ivy finally getting her work permit. Liam will make a very important decision which can be good for his relationship with Hope, provided he arrives on time. Also, Wyatt will give his mother Quinn another warning about staying away from Liam. Plus, he will offer Hope a different plan, in case Liam doesn't show up in Paris.

Here are some memorable lines to watch out for in the latest B&B episode:

"Please, just whatever you do, you stay away from Liam. Are we clear?" Wyatt asked Quinn over the phone in the B&B video posted on YouTube.

"Nothing bad is going to happen in Paris. It's finally going to work out for Hope and Liam," Aly said to Oliver.

These are "The Bold and the Beautiful" spoilers for the Aug. 7, 2014 episode, including big decisions, different plans and good news in B&B. Don't miss any of the B&B episodes on CBS Daytime. Stay updated with the latest about your favourite soap opera by continuing to read International Business Times. And, don't forget to read other news about entertainment, health, science, finance, technology, sports and business at IBTimes. Watch the YouTube video below to see the upcoming scenes in "The Bold and the Beautiful" on Aug. 7, 2014.


CREDIT: YouTube/boldandbeautiful


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