The iconic Eiffel Tower is Paris was closed on Black Saturday, March 30, for two and a half hours because of a bomb threat.

Reports said that the police received a call from the Paris suburbs that threatened a bomb attack at 9:30 p.m., Paris time. Officials had to quickly evacuate around 2,000 tourists in the famous landmark, but after the threat proved to be a dud, the monument reopened.

The police searched the tower and failed to locate any explosives. After the threat, police stepped up security not only in the famous Paris landmark by across France amid threats coming from the military campaign in Mali, a former French colony.

This is not the first bomb threat on the Eiffel Tower. In 2012, it was evacuated at least once and twice in 2011 over similar threats. Although landmarks frequented by tourists and other public place are often targets of bomb threats regularly, the police takes these threats very seriously.

Eiffel Tower is located on Champ de Maris, named after Gustave Eiffel, the designer and builder of the entrance arch to the 1889 World Fair. It is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world. In 2011, 7.1 million visited the tower, although in 2010, it had received its 250th million visitor.

Being a global icon, a lot of movies and TV series had scenes of the Eiffel Tower. Here are three famous film with Eiffel Tower scenes:

1. A View to a Kill - The 1985 James Bond movie that included scenes of the tower's Jules Verne restaurant and a fight on the staircase.

2. Superman II - The 1980 movie has the tower and the rest of Paris almost blown up by a terrorist nuclear bomb and Lois Lane almost falls to her death under the elevator.

3. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - The 2009 movie showed the tower being destroyed by a rapidly expanding cloud of metal-eating nanomachines.