"Bones" Season 8 premiere, titled "The Future in the Past" opens to a touching mother-daughter scene that develops "three months later" following Tempe's escape. Temperance, Christine and Max are in an idyllic and picturesque location, getting ready for their next trip.

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for those who have not season the Season 8 premiere of Bones.

Here are the top highlights of Bones S8 E1: "The Future in the Past"

12. Temperance Brennan has gone blondie, and Booth pulls a gun on her.

11. Tempe makes a bold move and shows an emerging trust for her father. She's finally got a plan.

10. Brennan reunites with Booth. It's both sentimental and pragmatic. A side of one's brain would go, "That's it?" and the other would say, "That's just perfect. That's how it should be."

9. Finally, the viewers get to see Pelant work with computers. And Brennan scores a point. It does seem like she has determined his gameplay and she knows she could win it.

8. Booth describes Brennan's books, which he apparently managed to start reading. He says: "They're thick. They're heavy."

7. Hodgins gets really mad. He nearly kills someone. He is pretty scary.

6. Brennan realizes Booth may be harboring resentment over her decision, but Boothe switches topic. He is not ready to talk about it. Later on, they would talk about it again.

5. Cam acknowledges Edison's hard work, and Brennan says he has been doing a great job with the binders. Angela is doing a great job with Pelant's codes and puzzles. It is beautiful to see how the institution is standing behind Brennan in unconventional ways.

4. The manner by which Brennan made her way into the institution was brilliantly executed by the actors and director.

3. "Agent Booth, I'm very uncomfortable about this. You know, as an FBI agent, it's my sworn duty to arrest Dr. Brennan. [Turns to Brennan] It's been so good to see you, by the way. It's been too long."

2. Coolest expressions of the episode: Pelant's reaction when Booth shows him the murder weapon and Angela's "thinking face."

1. After the last scene of the episode, some of the viewers must have screamed, "I knew it!" (This is too good to spoil.)

More Episode Quotes

"This guy, Pelant, he needs killing, Booth." - Max

"I'm a witness, if you want to stay here and press charges." - Caroline

The cast of "Bones" includes: Emily Deschanel as Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan, David Boreanaz as Seeley Boothe, Michaela Conlin as Angela Montenegro, T. J. Thyne as Dr. Jack Hodgins, Tamara Taylor as Dr. Camille Saroyan, and John Francis Daley as Dr. Lance Sweets. Guest stars are: Reed Diamond as Special Agent Hayes Flynn, Patricia Belcher as AUSA Caroline Julian, Eugene Byrd as Dr. Clark Edison, Andrew Leeds as Christopher Pelant, and Ryan O'Neal as Max.

It has earlier been reported that Leeds will be back for more appearances in Bones. A villain that good must be kept for a while. Now, what about that digital clock? When will that reappear?