Bosnian authorities gave back on Monday Angelina Jolie's filming permit after its withdrawal last week amidst accusations by a Bosnian women's association of the film's insulting theme.

Little is known about Jolie's directorial debut film, except that it is a love story that happened right before the 1992 Bosnian War. This lack of information may have helped fan rumours that the film is about a rape victim who fell in love with her rapist. Outraged by the film's alleged subject matter, the Bosnian Women Victims of War Association, the members of which were rape victims, sought for the cancellation of Jolie's filming permit from the Culture Minister of the Muslim-Croat federation.

After submission of the script to the Minister, Edin Sarkic, the film's Bosnian producer, was able to convince the authorities that the rumours were not true.