Jail time for Floyd Mayweather Jr. looms as the boxer has now been officially charged with felony count of coercion, robbery and grand larceny. Aside from the previous charges, Mayweather Jr. also faces four counts of misdemeanors charges. All of these charges are for the alleged domestic incident with the mother of his sons.

The Clark County District Attoerney said Mayweather Jr. is facing misdemeanors: battery and three counts of harassment.

According to reports, Josie Harris claimed that Floyd beat her. She also claimed that Mayweather threatened to kill her and stole her Apple Iphone 4 cell phone during the alleged September 2009 incident. The charges included the alleged threats made by Mayweather against his own sons, to beat them if they called 911 "and/or" left the residence.

Mayweather reportedly flared up after he found out that Harris is seeing basketball player CJ Watson. The boxer apparently asked Harris if she was having sexual relationship with the player, to which Harris replied in the affirmative via text.

There's another thing threatened by the charges: Mayweather's boxing career. If convicted, the boxer is facing a possible jail time of 28 years.