Despite having two unusual genetic disorders when he was born, Arpan Saxena from Bhopal, India still exudes positive attitude about his current condition and appearance. The 4-year-old boy, who has 13 fingers and 12 toes, reportedly likes the kind of attention he receives worldwide.

"Polydactyly" made the unnatural formation of more than the normal five fingers and toes on Arpan's hands and feet while "Syndactyly" strangely fused the fingers and toes together. "When he was born, we were surprised to see that he had 26 fingers and toes. I had never, ever heard of anyone being born with so many fingers," Arpan's father, Anil Saxena, revealed.

Initially, Arpan had 14 fingers when he was born. However, an injury happened to Arpan at the age of 2 when he lost an extra finger. "He was out playing when he injured one of his fingers and it just sort of came off," the 35-year-old father shared.

According to, Arpan and his family actually adore the disorders. "I love it when people come to see me and take photos. But the only thing I don't like is that I can't walk a lot because my feet never fit in any shoes," Arpan shared.

Apparently, a lot of people have also shown their affection for Arpan as they offer financial help to his family for a medical operation that can remove the extra finger and toes. However, Arpan's mother claimed that she is "apprehensive about how an operation might affect him at this age."

On the contrary, Arpan and his family take pleasure of being famous in Bhopal, India where the little boy's pictures are even placed on the city walls. "Arpan is famous all over Bhopal and we like it that way," Arpan's mother shared.