Breaking Bad, AMC's critically acclaimed drama series, returned on Sunday for its final episodes. The Episode 9 'Blood Money' of Breaking Bad 5 was one of the most awaited episodes of a drama series in recent times and it did meet the high expectation despite testing the patience of an impatient audience.

"Dead men tell no tales" but they leave behind a trail for others to stumble upon and discover to their horror that some of the mild-mannered, trusted living men have a cupboard full of crime. 'Leaves of Grass', the gift to Walter White from GB (David Costabile), is one such trail, left behind by the dead Gale Boettiche. It has unmasked Walt's dual life and has revealed to Hank (Dean Norris) the face of the drug-lord Heisenbeg.

Hank, the DEA agent, had been chasing the smudged footprints of Heisenberg since the beginning of Breaking Bad, without success. Walt, his brother-in-law, was the wall that used to appear every time he was on the right track, blocking the view of the men cooking crystal meth and the men who were associated with them. Walt has been fooling Hank all along. Once the hard to swallow revelation is digested and processed, it is time to see as it is and with no wall blocking the view. The wall appears and is punched right in the face.

Walt deserved the punch and also some broken bones. He no longer resembles the man who began cooking crystal meth with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul). The objective was to leave behind enough money for his family as he had terminal lung cancer. Jesse was the druggie who had an inch of his foot inside the drug business. He is repenting and is no longer at peace because of the crime that has been committed to save themselves from getting caught and to help flourish the crystal meth business. He wants to give away the two bags and wash his hands off the blood money. In comparison, Walt, the milquetoast Chemistry teacher, carries no guilt. He is not remorseful and is thinking of laundering the blood money and expanding his car wash business.

Walt may have said to Hank, in the closing scene of the episode, to tread lightly as he does not know who he is -- and probably to what extent he can go, but the opening scene, the flash-forward, suggests that Walt did not know Hank enough, and what all he is capable of doing to break him and expose him as Heisenberg to the world.

The episode has set the ball rolling for the repercussions and every person connected to Walt is going to be affected, especially his family and Jesse. The episode held back a lot of information and showed Jesse and Mike as the two most affected people. Rest of the characters were leading their regular lives. The episode also gave us a view of Walt after he becomes a fugitive and assumes a new identity. The opening scene and the closing scene, both make the audience to look forward to the next episode.

The Scene of 'Blood Money'

Hank closing the shutter of the garage and then punching Walt right in the face.He grabs his collars and shouts, "It was you, all along, it was you, Son of B**** I'll put you under the jail."

Breaking Bad 5 Episode 10 'Buried' Promo Video