The episode 13, "To'hajiilee," of AMC's critically acclaimed "Breaking Bad" once again reiterates why "Breaking Bad" has got both critics' appreciation and high viewership.

It was almost game over for Walter White (Bryan Cranston), but Todd (Jesse Plemons) and his uncle Jake, with his men turn-up at "To'hajiilee" to set the game back in his favour and make it game over for Hank (Dean Norris).

In "Breaking Bad" Season 5 Episode 13, "To'hajiilee," Walt and Jesse (Aaron Paul) want to destroy, each other. Walt wants to do that because Jesse has become dangerous for his survival, while Jesse wants the evil Mr White vanquished. Jesse has Hank and Steven Gomez (Steven Quezada) on his side, while Walt calls up Todd and fixes an appointment, with his uncle. The target is Jesse Pinkman and he wants him dead. Jesse has turned rouge and Walt sees him as a threat. But, he still considers Jesse as his family and thus, he wants a quick, painless, fearless death for him. Walt does not want him to suffer.

Rat patrol kind of death is off for Jesse, But, Walt goes to Brock's (Ian Posada) house and meets his mother Andrea (Emily Rios) to rat him out. Jesse remains off-radar as he is unable to receive any message or call because his cell-phone is with Hank.

Jesse is coming-up with his own strategy to take down Walt. Jesse asks Hank to use Walt's greed to take him down as money is the evidence, which the "greedy ass****" will never destroy.

One of Saul's (Bob Odenkirk) bodyguard is put under-arrest. Hank and Steven make him believe that Walt is coming after him, and he will be killed by Walt -- just like Jesse - because he no longer trusts him. He ends up confessing that he had loaded seven barrels, full of money in a rented van. It is an opening though Saul's man has no idea where Walt deposited such a huge amount of money. Hank finds out that there was no GPS on the rented van to track Walt's movement, which looked like a dead-end but it is not.

For Walt, Jesse remains untraceable and then he gets a call from him, with a picture of a barrel full of money. Jesse tells Walt that he has gasoline and is going to burn his money and he has started to burn. Walt is paranoid and is trying to convince Jesse to not do that, while he is driving frenetically to reach 'To'hajiilee'. He tells him that his cancer has returned and that the money belongs to his children, Jesse is no longer buying that argument.

Walt reaches the spot where he had buried his money but there is no trace of Jesse. It is a set-up. Walls calls up Jake and tells him that Jesse has back-up and will be there at 'To'hajiilee'. However, he soon asks Jake and his men not to come when he sees Jesse arriving in a car, with Hank and Steven. "Its off. Do not come," Walt tells Jake, and realises that he has been defeated and it's over for him.

Walt surrenders and calls Jesse a "coward," which makes Jesse furious. He spits on Walt's face. It is an ironical moment for Jesse to find himself at To'hajiilee, standing against Walt. It is the place where they had cooked crystal meth for the first, together. They are both separated and put in different cars. Hank makes a call to his wife and gives her the news. He tells her that it will take a while for him to be back home and that he loves her, which allude to an impending, fatal danger.

Todd, Jake and his men soon arrive and the gun fight starts. It is Hank and Steven versus half a dozen armed men. And, it will be a miracle if Hank survives. Walt wanted to escape conviction and a life in prison but he never wanted Hank dead. He is unable to abort what he put in motion, and Hank is likely to become another victim of his.