“Breaking Bad” is arguably the biggest series that ended in 2013, with critics and viewers alike praising the nearly flawless storyline and acting of its cast. But for creator Vince Gilligan, perhaps it was too flawless. He revealed that the one thing that he regretted about the show is making Jesse Pinkman’s teeth perfect.

The show, which debuted in January 2008 in the U.S., ended with a bang in September 2013. Critics have praised the show’s stars Bran Cranston, Anna Gunn, and Aaron Paul for their performance, and for getting the fans hooked until its very last episode.

As the viewers have noted, the actors’ portrayal of their roles, combined with the writers’ vision for each cast, has made the crime drama appear realistic and true.

Not quite so, according to Gilligan, who admitted that he has a little regret in how he did the show.

When Entertainment Weekly asked him if there’s still something that still haunts him about the show, the TV show creator said that there “nothing too much,” except for Paul’s character.

“I wish Jesse’s teeth had been a little more realistic, a little more messed up. Aaron Pail has perfect teeth, and Jesse Pinkman, on the other hand, smoked a lot of meth, and that smoke eats the enamel right off of teeth,” he pondered.

“And furthermore, this poor kid got beat up two or three time a season [laughs], and his teeth were still absolutely perfect. So if we could’ve done a little something to them... But on the other hand, Aaron is such a good-looking guy that maybe that counts as a poetic license that we kept his teeth looking nice.”

With that lesson in mind, the producers of its spin-off show “Better Call Saul” would probably know better than to let actors hold onto their perfect set of whites when they are beaten up in the show.

So there you go. Even a show as nearly perfect as “Breaking Bad” wasn’t as faultless as people thought it was. It had a minor thing that got overlooked somehow by its producers, one which fans wouldn’t have minded at all.