AMC's drama series "Breaking Bad"returns this fall, with its premiere episode on August 11, 2013. The final eight episodes will wrap-up the critically acclaimed drama series that showed the metamorphosis of a mile-mannered Chemistry teacher Walter White into a hardened criminal, Heseinberg.

The creative brain behind "Breaking Bad," Vince Gilligan, had originally pitched the show to AMC as, turning, "Mr. Chips into Scarface over five seasons" and the drama series has remained true to the original pitch.

At Comic Con, 2013, when Bryon Cranston was asked if Walter White had an evil streak all along, he said "under the right circumstances - need, greed, whatever the case may be, depression - you push those buttons at the right time and anyone can become dangerous. And that's what happened to Walter White: Those buttons were all pushed at one time, and he was in a dire situation. So he did go from Mr. Chips to Scarface... A lot of different people have their opinions on when that turn was, but to me, really it was that first episode when he decided to try to become someone he wasn't. And that was it. He was on a slippery slope and sold his soul."

The news of the inoperable cancer triggered the metamorphosis of Walter into Heseinberg. Will the show end with Walter's cancer returning and triggering a reverse-metamorphosis? Whatever be the end, it is not going to be a happy one as now that his brother in-law Hank, the DEA agent, knows about his secret life -- Walter is the Kingpin he has been chasing since the first season.

"This season slaughters every past season," Aaron Paul, who plays the role of Jesse Pinkman, said, as quoted in Fox News. "We're burning every bridge, but we're not being dark just to be dark. It just plummets."

At Comic Con, 2013, a few seconds of the new episode, episode nine "Blood Money," was screened. In the brief clip, one can see that Walter's crop has grown- and he is no longer sporting a bald look. There is 'Heseinberg' scribbled on the wall of his deserted home and he is stopped by his neighbour Carol. The swimming pool of his house has turned into a skating track.

"I am satisfied by the ending. I hope you will be, too," Gilligan said of the finale at the Comic-Con. "My writers and I, and everyone in front of the lens and behind it I think is feeling pretty good about it."

A smartly edited, recap trailer video of the five seasons was also shown at Comic-Con, 2013.