The start of Breaking Bad's Season 5 is a definite shocker and it is indeed the final season by the look of second half's first episode. The eight episodes final season started last Sunday and almost doubled the biggest audience the show has ever had for an episode.

Breaking Bad's Sunday episode has gathered 5.9 million viewers according to Nielsen ratings company, a huge comeback compare to its last episode with just under 3 million last August. The episode features Bryan Cranston's Walter White character and his brother-in-law in a gripping confrontation when he realized that White is the drug lord that he's been looking for.

The Sunday ratings makes Twitter fans express their shock and sadness to "Breaking Bad's" epicly grim episode with so much killings and torture. The episode's title is "Ozymandias", a Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem that speaks about the decline and fall of a leader with an empire, an empire that eventually falls into dust.

"Ozymandias" is the culmination of everything that the series has been building since 2008. The shows has been building Walt's character from an honest man to the man who kidnapped his own child and is now stuck in a dessert with one barrel of money left.


The series' final season is split in two parts, each containing 8 episodes. The first part premiered on July 15, 2013 and the second half debuted on August 11, 2013.The last season has received numerous praises from television critics, and "Breaking Bad" earns a whooping 99 out of 100 score based on 22 reviews according to Metacritic website review.

The raving reviews of Season 5 makes it the highest rated season of any show on the site. The premiere of the first half of the season gained 2.93 million viewers, a good sign that the final season is off on a good start.

The Emmy Award-winning series is scheduled to end this September after 5 years of drug making and keeping its viewers entertained. Since its humble beginnings in 2008, the series has grown steadily thanks to its critically acclaimed actors and the raving reviews of its satisfied viewers.