Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) and Walter White (Bryan Cranston) started cooking crystal meth together and looked almost inseparable. Jesse now fears the man. The trust has ebbed away. He is more interested in burning down the house of his former Chemistry teacher, while Walt cares for him and is not yet ready to throw him under the bus. But, the depth of Jesse's fear and distrust undo that care and finally Walt makes the call.

"Breaking Bad" Episode 12, "Rabid Dog," of Season 5 opens with Walt driving down to his house, stopping, and staring at Jesse's car, parked right in front of his house. Walt checks his house holding a gun, but Jesse is not there. Jesse does not show-up but the Gasoline can is still there. Walt finds the living room's rug soaked in Gasoline. Saul (Bob Odenkirk) sends his man to help Walt clean-up the mess.

Walt does not want to change the old locks. He does not want Skyler (Anna Gunn) to know what had happened. However, it is hard to get rid-of the smell. The tell-tale signs would remain until and unless the carpet is replaced with a new one, and that means Skyler will find out. Walt soaks his clothes in Gasoline and pours some in the driver's seat of his car. When his wife arrives, he tells her that pump malfunction caused the whole mess. He tells her that he was soaked in gasoline and did not realise that he had thrown his clothes on the carpet. Walt Jr. (RJ Mitte) thinks that his father fainted because of Cancer. They decide to check in a hotel.

Walt meets Saul to know about Jesse's whereabouts. But, there is no trace of Jesse and he is not at the places where he would have been. Saul asks what they are supposed to do once they locate him. Walt says that he will explain things to Jesse and that he is just upset. However, Saul asks "what if he is in no mood to listen ... what if he stab you to death with a pointed stick, then what." Saul calls it "Old Yeller" type of situation (the dog had to be killed because it got rabies). Walt asks him to not float such ideas, again and to find Jesse.

Skyler asks Walt to come clean as she saw him talking to Saul, outside. Walt tells her the truth and calls Jesse "just a rabid dog" and whatever he did was just his intention for a brief moment, but he "obviously changed his mind." Skyler suggests that he will deal with it and that they cannot just talk to the person after the "awful tape." She tells Walt, "We've come this far, for us ... what's one more."

Soon, it is revealed that it was not change of mind but someone stopped Jesse from burning down the house. The episode takes us back to where Jesse is pouring gasoline and is just a second away from burning down the house. Hank (Dean Norris) storms in, pointing a gun at him, and orders that he put out the lighter.

Jesse tells him that Walt poisoned a little kid and "he can't keep getting away with it." Hank says, "I also want the bastard." He tells Jesse that he won't get away with it and if he wants to burn it down, "let's do it, together." Hank drives him away in his car before Walt arrives in his and halts.

Hank takes him to his house as he does not want him to meet the same fate as other ten witnesses. Marie (Betsy Brandt) comes home from a visit to her psychologist to find her bags packed and Hank telling her to spend some days out of the house. Marie refuses to do that when she finds Jesse sleeping in one of the rooms. She asks, "Is this bad for Walt?" When Hank says yes, she says, "good."

Jesse is made to record and this time Steven Gomez (Steven Michael Quezada), his partner at the DEA, is also present. Jesse tells them this is not going to help as Walt has retired from the business and there is no evidence against him. "It is my words against his words." Hanks tell his to record as he has a plan. While Jesse was sleeping, he had listened to Walt's call to Jesse.

In one of the calls, Walt says: "Jesse, listen, obviously you change your mind, thank you for that. I know you are angry, I want to fix this, whatever this takes. We'll talk and we'll fix this. Sleep it off and then call me. In another call, he asks Jesse to meet him at a location so that he can explain everything to him.

Hank asks Jesse to meet Walt. He says that he would not kill Jesse as he cares for him. When Jesse hesitates and questions the plan, Hank gives him no other option. He does not care whether Jesse, the junkie murderer, is dead and if Walt kills Jesse, he will have the proof along with the video-tape. A wired Jesse goes to meet Walt but his head gets muddled-up when he sees a bald man sitting in one of the benches, while another standing behind a pillar. He walks away from there and makes a call to Walt from a public phone that he won't fall in his trap. Walt is confused and then he sees another bald man who is there with his family. He realises the deep rooted fear and distrust for him and realises that Jesse is out to destroy him. He calls-up Todd (Jesse Plemons) to fix the situation.

Hank is angry at Jesse's back-out but Jesse says, he has a better plan.