AMC's cult drama series "Breaking Bad" has two more episodes to air and then it will be over for one of the most critically acclaimed drama series in recent times. In the episode "Ozymandias" of "Breaking Bad," Walter White (Bryan Cranston) became a fugitive, running away from his family and law. He was responsible -- albeit indirectly -- for the death of his brother-in-law, Hank (Dean Norris).

Walt's cancer diagnosis put him on the path of cooking crystal meth, but he went deeper and became a sinister drug-lord, 'Heisenberg'. And, finally he paid the price. In his mind, Walt did everything for his family and now they have turned against him and he has lost Hank, too.

"I think Walt always had Heisenberg deep inside of him. It's like the expression, "Money doesn't change people, money just shows who people truly are inside." I think this has always been a part of Walt," Aaron Paul, who plays the character of Jesse Pinkman, said in an interview with RollingStone.

Jesse Pinkman was Walt's most trusted partner. They started cooking crystal meth, together and Walt really cared about Jesse. Walt's moral conscience never pricked him, while Jesse started to crumble under the burden of the crimes that he silently witnessed and committed.

For Walt, Jesse was family, and thus -- in his own twisted logic -- he wanted a painless, no suffering kind of death for him. But, the revelation that Jesse teamed-up with Hank to trap him and then the death of Hank charred the remnants of care for Jesse.

In "Breaking Bad" episode 14, "Found him (Jesse)," Walt said to Jack and pointed at Jesse who was hiding under the car. Todd (Jesse Plemons) intervention may have saved him - temporarily -- from an inevitable death but Walt's words provided the pain and suffering. Jesse would find it difficult to recover from the revelation about Jane's (Krysten Ritter) death, even if he survives.

"I watched Jane die. I was there, and I watched her die. I watched her overdose and choke to death. I could have saved her, but I didn't," Walt said to Jesse.

At the end of episode 14, Jesse's face was bloody, battered and bruised, probably all his bones were crushed, by Jack's men. Todd helped him out from the underground dungeon and took him to the crystal-meth lab, where Jesse saw Brock and his mother photograph. Todd said: "Lets cook."

What will happen to Jesse? "Before we shot the final eight episodes, I used to say, "I want Jesse to kill Todd, and I want Jesse to kill Walt," Aaron told RollingStone.

Jesse Pinkman might be the one who will put Walt six feet under. The revelation of Jane's death provides him the weapon to do that. For Jesse, it has been a brutal turn of events. Jesse may end-up living a painful life.