It's what every "Twilight" hungry, crazed and obsessed fans are waiting for and it's finally here. A sneak peak of Kristen Stewart finally becoming the blood-thirsty vampire hit the web earlier this week.

The "Breaking Dawn: Part 2" clip features a pale skinned, red lipped, crimson eyed, gorgeous bloodsucker, Kristen Stewart, which gives any deranged fan all the reason to offer themselves up for Isabella Swan.

Though November 16 of this year is the target date of "Breaking Dawn: Part 2" to hit the screens, the hype continues to ravage "Twi-hard" hungry fans. In an exclusive in-store peak of the last installment of the "Twilight" series, the whole worlds finally catches a glimpse at Kristen Stewart transformed into a vampire.

"It's strange," says a fully-transformed Isabella Swan in the clip. "Physically I feel like I could demolish a tank. Mentally I feel just drained."

While the clip is enough to keep fans of the series alive until its highly-anticipated release on November, Stewart is more than happy that the filming is now over especially now that she no longer has to wear those dreaded contact lens and cover up in all her pale glory.

"The whole vampire thing -- I wasn't excited to be white and all that," shared Kristen in an interview with MTV News late last 2011. "I was really more excited to finally get her there because she wants it so bad."

For the contact lens issue, Kristen was more than elated to stop wearing them for the role.

"They are worst. The yellow ones sort of limit your vision even more, and so you feel a little bit more closed off," said Stewart. "That is one thing I can't wait to say goodbye to, is the contacts. They just kill you. [They give you] dead face."

Apart from giving fans a good hard look at Vampire Isabella Swan, the sneak peak also carries a few spoilers. For those who haven't read the books, the video shows Bella analyzing a piece of paper with the words written:

"Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come for us", which basically means the Volturri are now after the Cullen clan and their newest breed, Reneesme.

For now, fans would best delight themselves in the sneak peak clip of "Breaking Dawn: Part 2."