Breon Nagy has become the first man to use the smart headset Google Glass to propose marriage to his designer girlfriend Amnda Ingle earlier this month.

The proposal, which took place at the Leeds Castle in Kent, Britain, proves just how much of a gadget enthusiast Nagy is by choosing to record the memorable moment using the wearable computing device.

The self-confessed gadget fan from Minessota also keeps a day job as product manager.

In the 26-second video clip posted by Nagy on Youtube, Ingle is shown to be standing on what looks like a balcony facing the lake.

The soon-to-be groom then begins the proposal with "If you are my queen I'll buy you a million castles. Let's start our adventure together," as Ingle looks on, slightly stumped by the gesture.

Then Nagy went ahead to say, "Will you marry me?" this time the camera pointing a bit upward as he seemed to have knelt down to give her the ring.

"Yes, I will!" Ingle says with her voice cracking a bit. Then she slipped the ring on her finger and leaned to kiss him.

In his Youtube page, Mr Nagy wrote: 'I was carrying the ring around with me for 2 days and finally decided that Leeds Castle was a good place to ask her to marry me. Earlier she asked me to buy her a castle, that's why I said what I did.'

"Google Glass is a wearable computer with a head-mounted display (HMD) that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and development project, with the mission of producing a mass market ubiquitous computer. Google Glass displays information in a smarphone-like hands-free format, that can interact with the internet via natural language voice commands."

People who use prescription glasses may not use Google Glass' current Explorer Edition. But the tech giant gave its commitment that it will work on making the Glass compatible with the lenses and frames of the prescription glasses of the wearer.

"The glasses will be modular and therefore possibly attachable to normal prescription glasses," Google said.