The daughter of former US vice-presidential contender Sarah Palin did not vote in last mid-term election. Bristol Palin did not turn in her abdentee ballot in the election that saw the return of her mother's party, Republicans, back to power in the US Congress.

Apparently, Bristol Palin did not remember to send her ballot, as she is busy practicing for Dancing With the Stars, where she is currently a contestant. The 20-year old Palin campaigned for candidates across the nation, but failed to vote for her candidates in her native Alaska.

"I did not send in my absentee ballot in Alaska. I'm going to be in trouble. Sorry, Mom!," Bristol Palin told Inside Edition.

Bristol also added that she thinks her mom Sarah should run for the US presidency in 2012, a possibility that might find Sarah Palin in a face off against Barack Obama, if the latter seeks re-election.

Bristol said: "Of course I do. I know that she's great and she'd be great for our country."

Palin returns to Dancing With the Stars on Monday.