Bristol Palin was sent a unidentified white powder along wth a threatening letter on the set of the Dancing With The Stars in Los Angeles, California. The studio was evacuated by the police, after a staff for the show discovered the letter.

Opposition to Bristol Palin's longevity in the show has been mounting. Last week, a man from Wisonsin shot his television to protest the non-elimination of Sarah Palin's daughter from the show.

New York Daily News quotes a network representatative saying that "an envelope containing an unknown substance was delivered to the Dancing with the Stars production office on Friday evening."

According to the representative, measures had already been taken to secure the studio and ensure the safety of Dancing With The Stars personnel. The substance has since been identified as talcum powder by authorities.

Judges at the Dancing With The Stars has consistently given Bristol Palin low marks, as compared to her competitors but this has largely been offset by the public voting system. Following her longevity at the show, some credits the support that Bristol for political reasons, rather than Bristol's dancing abilities. Some even alleged a conspiracy and massive rigging, but show personnels say that check and balances against fradulent voting are used by the show.