Due to popular belief, Friday the 13th is more on a curse than a blessing. For some this is an unlucky day to go travelling, or do anything in general. As expected, third of Britons are going to change their plans today since is the last unlucky day of the year, Dec.13, Friday.

According to the recent studies, almost three quarters of people (72%) plans to change their plans since they have experienced bad luck on this particular date. It means that third of Britain's adult population will avoid travelling for there will be an impending accident, will reschedule important meetings so they don't have to make life-altering decisions, won't make any large purchases because they might end up regretting it and will not take any risks.

34% of the adult respondents says that they prefer to hide under the duvet for the whole day, so basically everyone is going take a long weekend starting today. So based on these statistics, Britain is currently suffering Friggatriskaidekaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th.

"It's evident that Triskaidekaphobia is hitting Britain hard," says Travelodge Spokeswoman Shakila Ahmed. "Britons really do have a fear of the number 13 and will avoid this number at all cost. At present just half of our hotels have a room 13 and we are now looking to see if we can rename these rooms."

This phobia is so big that that 60% of Britons are suffering from Triskaidekaphobia - the fear of the number 13. This is due to the popular belief that the number brings bad luck and everyone should avoid associating with that number.

One particular study conducted by the hotel chains revealed that half of the 2,500 adult respondents across the country believe in the power of lucky numbers, and will use the number to get ahead in life. This is the reason why there is no room 13 in any hotels, and after this unlucky number, 101 is the second least requested room and of course the very obvious number 666.

When it comes to lucky numbers, 26% of Britons believes the lucky charm of number 7 and 12% says that number 8 brings their good luck and so as number 16.