Britain's Prince Harry is a serious trekking enthusiast. As we are all gearing up for winters in our warm houses and taking out those fur jackets, the 29-year-old Prince has opted to trek to the freezing Antarctica! The bearded Prince is keeping us all updated on his gruelling 200-mile trek across coldest part in the wold by a series of video blogs from his adventure.

In the video blog, the handsome royal is seen trekking through the snow while wearing a red winter coat in paired with a scarf over his nose. The royal is also seen relaxing with a bunch of friends in his cosy tent.

Harry is currently trekking with a group of 12 injured service personnel for the "Walking With The Wounded" expedition. The team is expected to real their goal to hit South Pole on Friday the 13th.

"A half day on Friday and we get to the South Pole on Friday 13th - unlucky for some, lucky for us," says the Prince in the video blog, which you can view below.

The trek was originally supposed to be a competition against other teams in the Commonwealth but there has been now a change in it as the competition has now been changed to just a trek. The teams are reportedly feeling extremely tired and the Prince acknowledges it too.

"The wind has dropped down, which is nice. I think everyone is feeling a bit tired but slowly getting into the rhythm. Only just got into the rhythm now and it has almost finished," says the handsome Prince.

The trek also has a special team member - a double amputee, who is joining them despite losing both legs in Afghanistan and the Prince is extremely proud of him.

"Everyone just can't wait to get to the end. I think mixed emotions probably, I think some people, for instance Duncan, double amputee, simply doesn't find walking to the South Pole a big enough challenge, which is why he really enjoyed the race," adds Prince Harry.

Duncan Slater lost both his legs in 2009 in war torn Afghanistan when an improvised explosive device blew up in his vehicle. "I think everyone back home will appreciate the fact that just being able to walk 100km (62 miles) in these conditions with no legs is a pretty amazing feat in itself," said the prince.

A total of 16 blogs has been made on Prince Harry's journey. Watch some of them below.

