Brits debate use of child-like sex doll to treat pedophiles

Britons are divided if child-sized sex dolls should be used to treat pedophiles. The debate was sparked by the manufacture of a wide range of sex dolls that look like children by Japanese firm Trottla. Trottla is operated by a self-confessed child sexual abuser Shi Takagi.
Takagi insists that instead of molesting children, pedophiles who struggle with sexual attraction toward minors, could instead release their sexual energies on such sex toys. In this way, pedophiles will keep away from real children.
He explains that the anatomically-correct imitations of girls of ages as young as five, adds to current treatments for adults with sexual attraction to children. Other methods include cognitive-behavioural therapy, chemical castration and other interventions to suppress urge.
Takagi insists, “We should accept that there is no way to change someone else’s fetishes.” He continues, “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”
The Mirror cites reasons why its Briton readers favour or are against the idea. The daily notes that reactions show a divided nation when it comes to tackling the controversial issue. But the daily’s online survey shows that 87 percent believe child sex dolls would not prevent pedophiles from re-offending.
Those who gave their thumbs up to the idea, such as commentor Snags, said he would “rather play with a doll than the real thing.” RebeccaCavanaugh said sex with children wa wrong, but having a sex toy to release sexual energy could possibly stop a desperate adult from harming a child.
Reader Ryuseii_Daiyusga urged open thinking about the idea, while Hellomatrain said the doll was a rational response for people with urges they never asked to have. JenniferHeartnet added that people should not be condemned for their fetish.
However, Spinosaurus argues the child-like sex toy only tells pedophiles that it’s okay to be sexually attracted to children. KirtsyPowell1 finds the idea vile, while Wolfie notes that a sex toy would not replicate “the exact living thing that a real body has.”
CyrstalParsons believes the idea further fuels pedophiles’ hunger for innocent children, while AnnieRibeiro and MelissaHays agree that people with that kind of attraction need professional help and counseling instead of a doll that looks like a child.
PeteWilliams stresses “These people should not be encouraged to carry on with their perversions!”
Takagi, who says buyers of the doll come from different countries, shares that most owners of the doll are men who live alone. He adds that some of them have written him letters who thank him for the dolls that keep them from committing a crime.