The much anticipated tele-miniseries, "The Broken Shore," is set to premiere this Sunday on ABC1. Based on Peter Temple's novel of the same name, this new crime-thriller is said to be the story of murder, corruption and conspiracy. According to ABC, it is set against a "background of police corruption, racism and family tragedy."

"The Broken Shore" features a stellar cast. Don Hany is playing the principal role of Detective Joe Cashin. Hany describes his character as a "recovering detective" who was involved in a "pretty nasty accident" at work.

In an interview to TV Tonight, the actor said that Cashin was hit by a car when he was staking-out a criminal. As a result, he had to undergo a year and a half of rehab. Hany said: "His boss Stephen Villani has posted him to a country town called Port Monro which neighbours a town called Cromarty."

Talking about the show, Hany said: "It's the story of a police cover up but it treats the indigenous community, with country Australian towns, in a really honest way."

According to ABC's description of "The Broken Shore," Cashin returns to the place where he grew-up, the coastal village of Port Monro. He is not welcomed by everyone. The failed homicide raid in Melbourne has broken both his "body and spirit." Cashin's mother wants him to leave the place, fearing that "dark clouds" of his dad's death will consume him.

Helen Castleman is his new neighbour. The two have a history, as it is revealed that Helen had kissed Cashin, nearly thirty years ago. It seems Cashin puts up fences, barring Helen from entering his space. Helen accuses him of putting up illegal fences. As a result of that, "desire and attraction are laced with hostility."

Charles Bourgoyne, a philanthropist, is beaten-up and robbed at his home. Cashin investigates this criminal act and discovers a cycle of "lies, betrayal and systematic corruption in a community where tensions over race, class and politics are at boiling point."

The shooting of "The Broken Shore" has taken place mainly in South-Western Victoria. Andrew Knight has worked on the adaption, while Rowan Woods has directed "The Broken Shore." Essential Media has produced it.

In addition to Hany, other actors who are part of this new show include Claudia Karvan, Anthony Hayes, Catherine McClements, Erik Thomson, Tony Briggs, Dan Wyllie, Robyn Nevin, Meyne Wyatt, Dan Hamill, Bruce R Carter, Wayne Blair and Jim Russell.
