The long-playing rumors about Bruce Jenner's journey of becoming a woman have made headlines once again as the former Olympian refused to cut his ponytail.

Contrary to several reports, the estranged couple Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner are getting along well after their controversial divorce, based on the recent episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians (KUWTK)."

The changes of having feminine features in the former athlete have made everyone question his intentions of becoming a woman. But KUWTK momager denied all allegations on Bruce's sex change. In recent report, Kris wanted Bruce's transformation less obvious to the public by getting rid of the ponytail but failed miserably.

"I have not had a hair cut in probably a year and something. I want to keep it long in the front because I like wearing a pony tail. We're not getting rid of the pony tail," the 64-year-old sports legend said to the stylist on the show posted on RadarOnline.

So in return, the stylist made long layers suggestions delighting the reality star, with the stylist only cutting off half an inch of his locks.

Bruce took a lot of beating from the press early this year when he as spotted leaving a Beverly Hills clinic with a bondage on his neck suggesting he shaved-down his Adam's apple to complete his transformation.

Based on a report, Jenner reached out to Dr. Renee Richards, a transgender for almost 40 years, for moral support on his sex change plans.

Richards even advised the star to have his name change to "Bridgitte," Star Magazine reported, and telling him that a sex change is "a serious, life-altering procedure and not something to do unless you absolutely have no other choice."

Known for overcontrolling her family, Kris is obviously losing her touch to her former husband with so many reports that the couple are not in good terms and simply playing to have a happy family in front of the camera.

With so many rumors about his sex change, Bruce did not make any comments nor denying or confirming the claims.