The Chicago Bulls can still be a championship contender even with franchise guard Derrick Rose is playing for another ball club. The Bulls, who remain a tough playoff contender despite losing Rose and dealing away Luol Deng, could pull off the most shocking but probably effective coup in franchise history by trading Rose either before the Feb 20 trade deadline or this coming summer.

According to Yahoo Sports contributor Delton Russell, the Bulls should explore on the possibility of trading Rose to an assets-loaded teams to speed up their rebuilding effort. Without a doubt, Rose has been the face of the franchise for the past four or five years, but two major knee surgeries could be a big blow on the Bulls' championship aspirations.

Rose averaged 15.9 points and 4.3 assists in his just first 10 games coming off lengthy rehabilitation after suffering a torn ACL injury. Rose' production this season is a far cry from his statistical line (25 points and 7 assists) when he won his first regular-season MVP in 2011.

Russell believes the Bulls have to trade Rose while he remains an attractive trade chip for other ball clubs. Despite his record-breaking deal with Adidas and multiple individual awards, Rose' second chapter of his career looks uncertain because of the injuries he suffered these past two seasons.

The Yahoo contributor added that Rose is not going to be an effective scorer if his knees continue to trouble him in the succeeding seasons. With his long range shooting remains a suspect, Rose might struggle to score a bunch of points, if he doesn't possess the explosiveness he used to have.

"Rose was never a great shooter. The thing that made him a difference-maker was his quickness and his explosive jumping ability that allowed him to drive the lane and play among the trees near the rim. If Rose goes up to dunk and finds his explosion is not longer there, is he really worth $20 million per year to be a jump-shooter?" the Yahoo Contributor stated.

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Trade Proposition and Picture of Championship Caliber Roster

Russell said the Bulls could instantly bounce back even after trading Rose. With a loaded free agency class coming this summer, the Bulls will have enough cap space to sign Carmelo Anthony or perhaps Chris Bosh (if Carlos Boozer's contract in amnestied) to play alongside Joakim Noah, Jimmy Butler and Taj Gibson.

Moreover, the Bulls could bring in European sharpshooter Nikola Mirotic to Chicago, giving them more firepower and foundation for their future campaigns. This trade proposal sounds absurd, but the Bulls front office executive must consider this crazy trade, if they want to continue their winning tradition, even without D-Rose.

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