
Etsy launches caucus to help elevate microbusiness needs

Etsy announced the launch of the Congressional Microbusiness Caucus last month in an effort to elevate the requirements of microbusinesses. Formation of the bipartisan caucus was co-chaired by US Congressional representatives Barbara Comstock, Anna Eshoo, Tim Ryan and Patrick Tiberi.
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Australia's prosperity depends heavily on its economic relationship with China

Australia’s economic relationship with China will be an instrumental factor in determining its future prosperity. With the importance of resource exports on the rise, there is a need for a newer model of economic engagement. The country should be able to accommodate Chinese demands concerning a variety of services.
Mining (5)

Mining accounting for 10 percent of all Australian jobs

As Australia finds itself facing the “post boom” era, the contribution of the mining industry has been much larger than previously believed. The sector accounts for as much as 10 percent of all jobs. According to Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) board member Ian Harper, the “export phase” of the mining boom has another 30 years to run.

Telstra loses determination case against ACCC

ACCC won the case against Telstra after Federal Court justice Lindsay Foster dismissed the telecommunications company's application for judicial review of the competition watchdog's 2014 Final Access Determination.
A man takes a picture of an artwork by British graffiti artist Banksy at Lower Manhattan in New York, October 15, 2013.

London tech startup aims to disrupt the digital rewards and loyalty landscape

In 2014, a group of Australian, American and French entrepreneurs came together with the aim to build a platform that would disrupt the way digital offers are being consumed by smartphone users from around the world, as well as build an ecosystem that would reward those same users for their loyalty. This idea gave birth to Sh8pe Ltd, a London-based technology startup.
online shopping

New Cloud web hosting services launched for Australian businesses

Online shopping is growing in Australia, with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission attesting that an increasing number of people are getting used to purchasing items online. In relation to this, Cloud Web Hosting services and other online marketing solutions are being launched to help Australian businesses.
